She starved her baby to party for six days to celebrate her 18th birthday


Verphy Kudi with her little baby Asiah, who starved to death because she was left unattended for six days.
Verphy Kudi with her little baby Asiah, who starved to death because she was left unattended for six days.

A teenage mother she was sentenced to nine years in prison found guilty of starving her baby as she partied for six days to celebrate her 18th birthday.

The young Verphy Kudi, had a crazy party for six consecutive days, which started with a concert at Elephant and Castle (London, England), during which she even had her birthday announced to the DJ.

Kudi was only supposed to spend a day away from home, but it wasn’t. While partying, her daughter Asiah, barely 20 months old, was left alone in her apartment, a subsidized housing building in Brighton, more than 80 kilometers away.

Asiah tragically died from the flu and from hunger after being neglected for five days, 21 hours and 58 minutes.prosecutors said.

The minor’s body was found on December 11, 2019, with Kudi already back in the apartment, by paramedics, who were called to the apartment. They found the “incoherent and distraught” mother and her daughter lying dead on the ground.

Kudi, now 19, appeared in Lewes Crown Court (UK) andThis Friday will be sentenced after pleading guilty to manslaughter.

She burst into tears when she was jailed for nine years and court staff won.

Judge Laing said the baby had lived “An almost unimaginable suffering” before dying alone on the ground.

“She was a helpless child and totally trusted you as a mother to demonstrate her needs,” the judge said.

Laing argued that the mother abused that trust and prioritized her desire to celebrate her birthday and those of other friends over looking after the baby’s needs.

Dressed in a black jacket and face mask, Kudi bowed his head as details of his daughter’s final days of life were read in the courtroom.

Prosecutor Sally Howes said security cameras were covering Kudi’s house they showed that he left Asiah alone on the floor for five days, 21 hours and 58 minutes.

Kudi left Brighton on December 5 and traveled to London, where she spent her birthday with her boyfriend. On December 7, he attended a concert at Elephant and Castle and stayed partying until 4 a.m.

On December 9 he moved to a birthday party in Coventry, 150 miles from Brighton, before returning to London the next day and finally at his home in East Sussex on December 11 at 3:38 p.m., but it took at least two hours for him to call emergency services.

At the time, she was seen emptying bags into a common trash can before returning to her apartment. Finally, he dialed 999 (emergency) and told the operator that his daughter “would not wake up”.

He told paramedics that Asiah had slept all day, gave her milk, and Calpol let her sleep.

Paramedics arrived at Kudi’s apartment in Brighton and Asiah was taken to the city’s Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, but her death was confirmed on arrival.

Even Judi’s defense acknowledged the case as “Truly tragic” and pointed out the mother’s youth and inexperience as a way to reduce her responsibility. He also argued that a heavy sentence could totally shorten the life of the young woman who had just started.

However, the court ruled that the 9-year prison sentence was proportional and did not cut short the young woman’s life, who had to take responsibility for letting the life of a little child who was totally dependent on her die.

According to the judge, it is important to note that the charge was “accidental homicide,” which means that while Kudi did not kill his baby, he has criminal responsibility for her death.


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