Elections in Nicaragua: the electoral tribunal disqualified the main opposition party to the Ortega regime


Citizens for Freedom (CXL) President Kitty Monterrey (Photo: EFE)
Citizens for Freedom (CXL) President Kitty Monterrey (Photo: EFE)

the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) from Nicaragua disqualified the party on Friday Citizens for Freedom (CxL, right) who led an opposition alliance against the re-election of the president Daniel ortega in the November 7 elections after canceling its legal status.

The CSE ordered “cancel the legal personality of the political party Ciudadanos por la Libertad (CxL)”, Indicates a court resolution, read by the agency’s proceedings secretary, Louis moon, to the official media.

In the resolution signed by the magistrates of the CSE, most of them concerned the judgment Sandinista front, the court accepted a request from the opponent and collaborator Liberal Constitutionalist Party (PLC) to have its legal license suspended.

According to Maria Haydee Osuna, representative of the PLC, CxL is committed “constant violations of the electoral law” due to the fact that “breach of obligations“Since its president, Kitty monterrey, has dual nationality (American-Nicaraguan).

Faced with this alleged irregularity, the PLC asked the CSE “Declare anything that has been done by the CxL party to be null and void.” The electoral tribunal, in the hands of the ruling party, also annulled the identity card of the president of CxL.

According to the CSE, the chairman of the group “Use of irregular procedures” Yes “It behaved outside the legal technical conditions and regulations for this class of political organizations.”

The Electoral Council also annulled the legal personality of three political parties, and Parliament, where the ruling party has the absolute majority, rhe promulgated the electoral law, which established greater control over the electoral structure in favor of the Sandinistas.

In its recital, the CSE explained that this state power is attributed apply the legal constitutional provisions concerning the electoral process and dictate the relevant measures in accordance with the relevant legislation.

In this sense, he argued that the electoral law establishes that they cannot be registered as candidates for positions elected by universal suffrage. “Those who do not have the qualifications, have impediments or are banned as a result” with the Constitution and a series of laws, recently approved by the Sandinistas.

Among these laws, the CSE mentioned the Foreign Agents Regulation Act, Yes The law for the defense of the rights of the people to independence, sovereignty and self-determination for peace.

Article 1 of the second law, said the CSE, establishes that they cannot register as candidates ”Nicaraguans who carry out or finance a coup and an attempted coup, who alter the constitutional order, who encourage or encourage terrorist acts, who commit acts which undermine independence, sovereignty and to self-determination, which encourage foreigners to interfere in internal affairs“, among others.

In the current electoral process, the authorities they arrested more than thirty opposition leaders, including seven presidential candidates.

President Ortega, a former guerrilla fighter on the verge of turning 76, is running for his fifth five-year term, the fourth in a row and second with his wife, Vice-President Rosario Murillo, in the November elections.

(With AFP, AP and EFE information)

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