Spanish inventor designed machine capable of creating 5,000 liters of water per day | the Chronicle


A Spanish engineer has invented something that could change the fate of many places known for their aridity, drought and extreme heat. Enrique Veiga, through his company Aquaer, has created a range of machines capable of extracting drinking water from the atmosphere, which is perfectly safe. and useful in areas where the vital element is scarce.

The Seville-based company had the decisive presence of the aforementioned 82-year-old inventor, who first designed this technology decades ago, in the 90s. How did you imagine it? According to local media, the lamp was lit following a severe drought that affected part of the south of the Iberian country at the time.

Enrique Veiga is an 82-year-old Spanish engineer.

Apparently, the mechanism used by these devices is similar to that of air conditioners, since it cools the air until it condenses and thus obtains water. Veiga was already announcing that its creation, in a small version, could produce between 50 and 75 liters per day, while the more industrial ones could reach up to 5,000 per day.. He also indicated that in the past, the limit in terms of ecosystems his machines would work with were those with temperatures above 45 degrees and humidity of 8%.

However, their technology rose like wildfire, astime is suitable for conditions as extreme as those of a desertas he continues to work at more than 50 degrees.

This machine can work with temperatures above 50 degrees.

For those readers who were surely concerned with the distribution of these machines, it turns out that 4 years ago, Nhat voung, a Vietnamese refugee founded Walter Inception, a charity whose goal is to bring the creation of Spanish to those in need. To show a button, they have already bought one of their machines with a capacity of 500 liters per day, for a refugee camp in the city of Tripoli (Lebanon).

“The aim is to reach places like refugee camps which do not have clean water”, Voung explained to Reuters news agency, also adding that they have already brought several of these devices to Africa.

This mechanism, according to its creator, is very similar to that of air conditioners.

“In the Namibian villages we visited, people were stunned, they didn’t understand and asked where the water was coming from. Our idea is not only to make a device that is efficient, but also to make it useful for people who have to walk for miles. to bring water or to make wells “, the Vietnamese businessman added.

For his part, and not happy with this, Voung added that he is currently working on making a qualitative leap. His next goal is to raise funds to provide solar power panels to places where Veiga’s invention works, to make them more sustainable. and reduce dependence on electricity supply.

This is the story of Enrique Veiga


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