Spain extended quarantine requirement for Argentine travelers | The measure covers other “high risk” countries


Spain extended until 23 August the 10-day quarantine requirement to those arriving in Spain from countries considered to be at high risk for the contagion of covid-19, because they are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Namibia and South Africa.

El Boletín Oficial del Estado español publica este sábado una orden que prorroga la exigencia vigente desde el 23 de julio, con las condiciones de la cuarentena a la que deben someterse los pasajeros que lleguen a España en vuelos desde cualquier aeropuerto de esos países, non-stop.

According to this decree, these travelers must be quarantined during the ten days following their arrival, or during their entire stay in Spain if it is less than this period, although can be stopped on the seventh day if a negative diagnostic test is performed.

A high-risk country is taken into account by jointly evaluating the main epidemiological indicators used for this purpose in the European Union.

The criteria considered include the cumulative incidence per 100,000 inhabitants in fourteen days, the positivity rate, the rate of diagnostic tests, or the rate of the vaccinated population.


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