Uruguay has confirmed 45 active cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19, one of Alpha and one of Lambda


Uruguay presents 45 active cases of the Delta variant, one of Alpha and the other of Lambda (Pablo PORCIUNCULA / AFP)
Uruguay presents 45 active cases of the Delta variant, one of Alpha and the other of Lambda (Pablo PORCIUNCULA / AFP)

Uruguay presents 45 active Delta variant cases, one of Alpha and one of Lambda SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, according to information provided by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP).

The portfolio indicated, through a press release, that it has been maintained since July 1.a strategy to strengthen surveillance focused on travelers entering the country from abroad, with the aim of controlling the entry through the borders of new variants ”.

According to the official text, the entry has been verified so far “three worrying variants and one interesting variant“, including cases”They were identified, then isolated and their contacts traced”.

Thus, the MSP has confirmed that community circulation of variants was not detected.

A few days ago, Uruguayan scientists have found P.6, a variant typical of the South American country, which, according to their analysis, would have contributed to the first wave of cases recorded at the end of 2020 but which was then postponed by the Brazilian P.1 and, since the end of April, disappeared.

A nurse disinfects her hands in the intermediate care area of ​​the Rivera public hospital in Rivera (Uruguay).  EFE / Raúl Martínez / Archives
A nurse disinfects her hands in the intermediate care area of ​​the Rivera public hospital in Rivera (Uruguay). EFE / Raúl Martínez / Archives

According to a statement from the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, the Uruguayan variant of SARS-CoV-2 was detected thanks to a study conducted by researchers from the Inter-institutional Working Group (GTI) on the genomic surveillance of the virus, and it noted that this variant first appeared in November 2020 and was predominant until March.

So far, the last sample detected with the Uruguayan variant dates from April 26.

Since December 2020, Uruguay has seen a strong growth in COVID-19 cases and this has worsened since March with the arrival of Brazilian P.1. From there, positive cases and deaths rose exponentially and it wasn’t until June that the numbers improved, helped by the vaccination of a high percentage of the population.

Country adds 382,295 COVID-19 cases since health emergency began, which was declared in Uruguay on March 13, 2020, including 1,742 people with the disease, including 35 admitted to intensive treatment centers (ICS).

In addition, 5,986 people have died from this disease.

(With information from EFE)


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