Iran rejects unsubstantiated claims of oil tanker attack


“All available evidence points clearly to Iran”, said the G7 ministers in a joint statement, denouncing a “deliberate and targeted attack” without “any justification”.

On July 29, the “MT Mercer Street”, an oil tanker run by a company owned by an Israeli billionaire, was the target of an attack off the coast of Oman, which claimed the lives of a British security guard and of a Romanian crew member. .

The United States, the United Kingdom and Israel immediately pointed the finger at Iran, which denied any involvement, amid recurring tensions, attacks and sabotage in the waters of the region.

On Friday August 6, United States Central Command (CentCom), which operates in the Middle East, released the results of its initial investigation and said the wreckage of the drone indicated it was made in Iran.

Likewise, CentCom said that during the attack three single-use drones loaded with explosives, but the first two failed to hit the ship and plunged into the sea.

To the Iranian Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi, quoted by the official Irna news agency, “The Americans say they found parts of Iranian drones in the water, and that is their proof. But which lab determined that (the drones) belong to Iran?”, I ask.

“This is the Americans’ method, weaving stories and using them to accuse Iran – this is the method they have chosen to pressure Iran,” he added at the end.

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