150 of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims compensated to the tune of $ 121 million


“No amount of money will erase the years of suffering these victims endured because of Jeffrey Epstein,” the fund manager said (Photo: Europa Press)

the fund created to attempt to compensate victims of sexual assault and abuse committed by magnate Jeffrey Epstein will terminate his function after having disbursed one of the $ 121 million (106 million euros) for a total of 150 women, According to his manager on Monday.

“I am proud of what we have been able to accomplish with this program, but I also recognize that no amount of money will erase the years of suffering these victims endured because of Jeffrey Epstein», Explains Jordana Feldman, manager of a fund financed with the wealth that the tycoon has amassed.

The Epstein Victims Compensation Fund, whose wealth is estimated at $ 600 million (511 million euros) arose after conversations between the victims’ lawyers and the Attorney General of the U.S. Virgin Islands, where the pedophile owned significant property, in order to reduce the number of disputes and avoid causes that could drag on for years.

Jeffrey Epstein during his capture for the New York Sex Offender Registry (Photo: REUTERS)
Jeffrey Epstein during his capture for the New York Sex Offender Registry (Photo: REUTERS)

“I hope the program has provided victims with a meaningful measure of justice and a step on the road to recovery.”, Feldman relies on a statement in which he explains that These compensations will allow these people to settle their claims amicably, sheltered from “the glare of public proceedings and without the costs and the confrontation of a dispute”.

Victims who have decided to accept money from this compensation fund will no longer be able to file a lawsuit against Epstein’s estate, but will be able to share information with authorities and participate in other investigations. related parallels, as well as making their stories public.

“Each complainant had the opportunity to be heard in a safe space and to share their intimate, personal and often heartbreaking stories. I was surprised by the resistance and courage of the victims, who put their faith and confidence in this process, ”said Feldman, who pointed out that 92% of the women chosen to take advantage of the scheme accepted the compensation offers.

The Upper East Side mansion in New York where Epstein lived and where he was arrested in 2019 (Photo: EFE)
The Upper East Side mansion in New York where Epstein lived and where he was arrested in 2019 (Photo: EFE)

This compensation fund received more than twice as many requests as expected at any one time, reaching a total of 225. Ultimately, about 75 were rejected, although no details on the reasons were offered, while a group of victims chose not to accept the proposed amounts.

Epstein was arrested in July 2019 for sexually abusing and trafficking dozens of girls in the early 2000s.. This millionaire, who even rubbed shoulders at one point with personalities like Prince Andrew of England – the son of Elizabeth II -, Bill Clinton, or even Donald Trump, He was discovered hanged in his New York jail cell in August 2019. The death occurred two days after the signing of his will.

(With information from Europa Press)

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