Victim of Jeffrey Epstein denounced Prince Andrew: ‘Connections allowed him to sexually abuse scared girl’


Prince Andrew has been charged with sexual abuse (Photo: Reuters)
Prince Andrew has been charged with sexual abuse (Photo: Reuters)

Virginie Giuffre, one of the the victims of the American businessman accused of sex trafficking of minors, Jeffrey Epstein, filed a civil lawsuit in New York, United States, against Prince Andrew of England. The woman claims the British royals abused her as a minor, media reported on Monday. People.

“Today my lawyer filed a complaint against Prince Andrew for sexual abuse under the Child Victims Act. As the lawsuit explains in detail, I was trafficked by him and sexually assaulted by himGiuffre said in statements to the American magazine.

In 2019, Giuffre had previously said that after being introduced by Epstein to the Duke of York, the latter forced her to have sex on three occasions between 1999 and 2002., when she was a minor, which the son of Queen Elizabeth II denied.

Prince Andrew, Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell
Prince Andrew, Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell

I hold Prince Andrew responsible for what he did to me“, He said.” I hope other victims will see it it is possible not to live in silence and fear, but to get your life back by speaking out publicly and seeking justice, ”added the alleged victim.

“I did not take this decision lightly,” he argued, arguing: “As a mother and wife, my family comes first, and I know this action will subject me to further attacks from Prince Andrew and his collaborators, but I know that if I did not take this action, I would disappoint them and the victims. “

According to the lawsuit, the prince abused Giuffre in several times when I was under 18. The complainant stated that on one occasion In London, at Ghislaine Maxwell’s house, Epstein, Maxwell and Prince Andrew forced her to have sex with the Duke of York against her will.

The lawsuit was filed before, according to a New York State law, beat the limit for alleged victims of child sexual abuse to bring civil proceedings who otherwise they could be prohibited by prescriptions.

Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell.  (Grosby)
Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell. (Grosby)

Failure to do so now would allow you to escape responsibility for your actions.“, said to ABC News Giuffre’s lawyer, David Boies, chairman of the Boies law firm, Schiller Flexner. “And Virginia is committed to trying to avoid situations in which wealthy and powerful people escape responsibility for their actions. “, explained the lawyer.

According to some details of the trial that were known, the alleged victim seeks compensatory and punitive damages and accuses the Duke of York of sexual assault and intentionally inflicting emotional distress.

Twenty years ago, Prince Andrew’s wealth, power, position and connections allowed him to abuse a scared and vulnerable girl with no one to protect her.. It is time for him to be held to account, ”says the trial.

The first charges against the Duke of York by Giuffre became known in 2014, in a case submitted by alleged victims of Epstein to the United States Department of Justice

Jeffrey Epstein (Photo: Getty)
Jeffrey Epstein (Photo: Getty)

Giuffre, who is 38 and lives in Australia, noted that Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell ordered him to have sex with Prince Andrew on multiple occasions.

“If she hadn’t filed a complaint by now, would have validated the avoidance tactics Andrew and his advisers employedsaid Giuffre’s lawyer.

Meanwhile, Prince Andrew has been doing all kinds of maneuvering to try and distract attention. His advisers even enlisted the help of a troll in a desperate attempt to discredit Giuffre.

Prince Andrew’s team asked for support from Molly Skye Brown, who attacked Giuffre on Twitter for months and claimed the photo of the Duke of York with his arm around the waist of the then 17-year-old Roberts had been retouched.

Brown, 42, former teenage beauty queen living in Florida, He accused her, among other things, of having gone to the opposite side at one point, it was she who recruited minors for the sex trafficking of Epstein.. Of this she would have learned through Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s right-hand man, who tried to recruit her to be “massage therapist“From the financier when she was 14 and went to a juvenile gym in Palm Beach, near one of the late banker’s mansions.

In 2019, Prince Andrew lied during a 50-minute interview he gave to the BBC, in an attempt to cleanse his image for his relationship with Epstein. Royal family member’s deception uncovered after journalistic investigation by newspaper Daily mail.

The conversation that the reporter Emily maitlis maintained in November 2019 with Prince Andrew of England revealed and has been listed by the Royal Household as “catastrophic disaster”.

Why did it seem like a good idea to stay in the tycoon’s house when he had already been convicted of sex crimes? The British media have strong evidence of what the Duke of York did on this day’s visit to New York.

” This does not happen. I can tell you categorically that this has never happened. I don’t remember ever having met this lady, ”the prince insisted on several occasions in his statements to the BBC.

During his interview with Maitlis, the queen’s son had said that on March 10, 2001 – one of the days the young woman claims to have had sex – he went with his daughter in a pizzeria of the British chain Pizza Express in awake, in the south-east of England. When the reporter asked him why he remembered this specific information, he replied that it was “”unusual“For him to go to this pizzeria and that’s why he remembers the date exactly.

However, the investigation into the Daily mail makes powerful revelations, demonstrating how Andres lied to the reporter. “Our devastating revelations follow an investigation that led us to obtain testimony from new witnesses, consult sensitive documents, learn about newspaper content and interview high-level sources. Our investigations have taken us from London to New York, Boston, Florida, the US Virgin Islands, South Africa and Australia.», They assure the British means.

For his part, in a statement to the courts, Ghislaine Maxwell He denied Giuffre’s accusations.

A group of women protest against millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in New York City court (Photo: Europa Press)
A group of women protest against millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in New York City court (Photo: Europa Press)

“She lied several times, often, and it’s just a fantasy, ”Maxwell said in a statement in 2016.

Maxwell, 59, pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking charges in Manhattan federal court, where he risks being judged.

The prince, whose friendship with Epstein sparked great controversy, he admitted to having stayed several times – about four – at the businessman’s residences in the United States but that at no time did he suspect that there had been any inappropriate behavior on the part of business man, who committed suicide in a cell in New York in August 2019, shortly after being arrested for sex trafficking.

Andrés said he met Epstein through his friend Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late press mogul Robert Maxwell., who was also arrested and awaits a trial in New York scheduled for November this year, where he will face several charges, among which those of sex trafficking stand out.

Asked in the interview about a posted photo in which he appears himself squeezing Giuffre’s waist, allegedly taken to Maxwell’s London residence in March 2011 when the applicant was 17, the Duke claimed he did not remember that moment.

With the trial, the Duke of York could be forced to be interrogates under oath, as well as the delivery of text messages, emails or private letters related to the matter.

(With information from EFE)

Read on:

What crimes did Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell commit in Britain? New report forces police to reopen case
“I was raped several times by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell in front of my 8 year old son”
Ghislaine Maxwell was first accused of child sex trafficking
They revealed details of how Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell recruited girls to participate in hotel room orgies

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