They identify the man who allegedly sent a letter with bullets to Pope Francis


The Italian press reported on Monday that the man who sent Pope Francis a three-bullet letter has been identified, and that she was from France.

This Monday morning we learned that the riflemen of Milan (Italy) intercepted a letter with three bullets addressed to the Pontiff.

According to the EFE agency, the envelope was intercepted at the Peschiera Borromeo postal sorting center, located in the province of Milan. Immediately, the riflemen of the department of San Donato Milanese acted, which opened an investigation with the authorization of the prosecutor Alessandra Cerreti.

Corriere della Sera reported that the letter contained three 9-millimeter, Flobert-type bullets and a message related to Vatican financial operations, for which a trial has been opened against several people, including Cardinal Angelo Becciu.

Hours later, Italian media Il Messaggero reported that the man who sent the envelope has already been identified. He said his identity is already known to the Vatican gendarmes, who will coordinate and assess the situation with the Milan police.

According to Italian media, the author, who has not yet been located, “has in fact already sent letters to the Vatican in the past”.

We learned that the letter’s stamp is French and that the envelope would contain a deposit of ten euros, “but we do not know for what and under what circumstances this would have been done,” said Il Messaggero.


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