Kim Jong-un’s sister slammed South Korea, US for not canceling military exercises


Kim Yo-jong, the sister of the North Korean dictator
Kim Yo-jong, the sister of the North Korean dictator

The sister of the North Korean leader, Kim Yo-jong, indicted today against South Korea and the United States for failing to cancel their joint military exercises scheduled for this month after warning that its celebration would not contribute to fostering dialogue in the peninsula.

“The armies of the United States and South Korea have eagerly embarked on joint military exercises, further accelerating the situation of instability despite the unanimous denunciation and rejection at home and abroad.”Kim wrote in a statement released today by the state agency KCNA.

10 days ago, Kim herself warned that holding joint summer exercises could jeopardize progress in inter-Korean relations after the two neighbors resumed telematics communications at Pyongyang’s request on July 27.

Leader Kim Jong-un’s sister was indicted in today’s statement against so-called “training of crisis management personnel.”, which begins today, runs through August 13 and is a preliminary practice to examine the response of troops to unexpected pre-war incidents.

This training precedes the combined command exercise, which takes place from August 16 to 26, corresponds to the main part of the summer maneuvers and consists mainly of a computer simulation.

“Regardless of their format and scale, joint military exercises are aggressive in nature, as they constitute a rehearsal of war and a preliminary exercise in nuclear war.”Kim added, recalling that Pyongyang has always denounced these maneuvers as a trial to invade its territory.

North Korean and American soldiers
North Korean and American soldiers

In the text, the North Korean official accuses the United States of having forced the holding of “war exercises” at a time when “the international gaze is turned to the development of the situation on the peninsula”.

He considers that the attitude of Washington proves that “the ‘diplomatic compromise’ and the” unconditional dialogue “promoted by the current American administration are hypocrisy to hide its aggressive character”.

The re-establishment of communications announced two weeks ago between Seoul and the regime raised hopes that they could improve inter-Korean relations and denuclearization talks with Washington, which left the door open to unconditional dialogue.

However, this statement today seems to overshadow that possibility.

In this sense, Kim regretted “deeply” in his statement “the treacherous behavior of the South Korean authorities”.

(With information from EFE)


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