The explosive reaction of Darío Barassi due to the geography errors of two participants


One family did not perform well on the “quick money” test, but what irritated the driver the most was that he made the exact same mistake.

Every afternoon 100 Argentines say trending on Twitter: the show hosted by Darius barassi in eltrece he usually leaves little pearls of all kinds, not least because of the unusual responses of the participants who, overcome with nerves, make hilarious mistakes. This Tuesday, the pilot exploded after two competitors assured that South Africa is a country in North Africa.

When Barassi thought he had heard it all after a participant told him that the cinema had been invented in 1810, another that Mendoza has a sea and that it borders the Chaco, Juana and Martín, members of the Dacharry family, arrived. . Youth suffered the “quick money” test, where they had to answer five questions in 25 seconds, trying to guess the most popular answers to win 50,000 pesos.

The first to come forward was Juana who had a poor performance and only reached 67 points. It is that although he had three correct answers, two were serious errors that the driver did not ignore: he said that one football goal 5 is 50 centimeters wide and South Africa is a country in North Africa.

In turn, Martín had to add 133 points. “Everything you do will be better than what your sister didBarassi told him when he received it without thinking he could make the same mistake.

Every afternoon is a trend in “100 Argentines Say” (Photo: Instagram dariobarassi)

The participant also stated that South Africa is a country in North Africa, but as it was repeated, it changed by Zimbabwe.

With his answers he got 49 points which, added to Juana’s, was a total of 113. But Barassi did not forgive them for the poor performance and exploded: “What’s wrong with African geography? “. “South Africa! South Africa! South means it’s south otherwise it would be ‘North Africa'”he apologized. “South America means it’s south,” he added, and as a humor continued: “The supermarket is a market that’s to the south, Suipacha is an ipacha that’s to the south, Susana is a healthy person who owes the south, succulent, it’s an ass … who is south … and it’s slow ”.


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