Video: Pope Francis did something unusual in the middle of the general audience


In an unusual gesture in the traditional Wednesday meeting with the faithful, the dad Francisco today attended a phone call in the middle of the General audience in the Vatican.

No official response from VaticanSources from the Holy See revealed that it was a communication with one of his collaborators of the Secretary of State.

Once he had finished greeting the Italian faithful, the last linguistic group to which he dedicated his vows, the pontiff had a brief phone call from the atrium of the Nervi room of the Paul VI room, where he is holding his auditions in August.

As seen on live television, the Dad caught the Telephone given by one of his assistants, he had a brief dialogue on the phone then left the Sala Nervi for a moment, then returned and continued the Hearing.

On return, the Dad he greeted the bishops who were waiting for him for the traditional “kissing of the hands” at the favorite places, then he spent a few minutes approaching the faithful.

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