Bolivia: ex-president Jeanine Áñez presents a picture of the “anxiety depressive syndrome” in prison


Image of Jeanine Áñez on the day of her arrest in a FELCC (Special Force Against Crime) prison in La Paz (Photo: AFP)
Image of Jeanine Áñez on the day of her arrest in a FELCC (Special Crime Force) prison in La Paz (Photo: AFP)

Former Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez presents a picture of “hypertension” and “anxiety depressive syndrome”, as determined by a medical check-up performed on Wednesday, for which the former president had to leave the prison in which she is in for an hour.

Áñez was transferred from Miraflores Prison at Tórax Hospital in the Bolivian capital, La Paz, for tests after being recommended by the Forensic Research Institute.

The director of the Bolivian prison regime, Juan Carlos Limpias, reported that The former president is “stable”, although she suffers from “hypertension” and “depression”, according to studies at the hospital where she was treated by a “specialist cardiologist”.

“Medicines were recommended, but it was not necessary for her to be hospitalized”, he explained, to also specify that ñez will require some “studies” to be carried out this Thursday in prison, as collected by the Bolivian media The duty.

In regards to, the defense of the former president asked if she had returned to prison after having carried out these tests, because he considers that further examinations were necessary to ensure his state of health.

“The only thing they did was an evaluation, but she was referred for a cardiological evaluation, a psychiatric exam and a blood test, they only saw it again and then returned it, ”lamented lawyer Norka Cuéllar.

Jeanine Áñez upon her proclamation as interim president of Bolivia in November 2019 (Photo: Europa Press)
Jeanine Áñez upon her proclamation as interim president of Bolivia in November 2019 (Photo: Europa Press)

Áñez has been in preventive prison since March 15, accused of sedition, terrorism and conspiracy for his role in the 2019 post-election crisis that left dozens of dead and prompted the resignation of President Evo Morales and officials linked to his government. The Bolivian authorities are investigating this case, known as the “coup”, following the complaint of the former member of the Movement towards Socialism (MAS) Lidia Patty.

Since April, authorities and his family have reported health problems of the president, who this Wednesday led her to carry out these tests.

(With information from EuropaPress)

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