A month after the social explosion in Cuba, the United States reiterated its support for the Cuban people and called for the release of all political prisoners


Plainclothes police arrest a protester on July 11 (Photo: REUTERS)
Plainclothes police arrest a protester on July 11 (Photo: REUTERS)

A month after the social explosion in Cuba, United States He reiterated the dictatorship’s demand to release all political prisoners who have been imprisoned. In a message posted to the State Department’s Twitter account, the spokesperson Ned Prize assured that “It’s been a month since the Cuban people took to the streets to demand freedom, a demand that has been heard around the world.”.

“The Cuban government responded with a wave of brutal repression that had not been seen for decades. To date, more than 800 Cubans They were arrested for demonstrating peacefully on July 11. There are even reports that there may be hundreds more in detention.“he claimed.

In this sense, Price declared that “many are in secret, without the possibility of seeing their families or of having the possibility of being represented by a defender. Court proceedings do not offer the possibility of a fair trial and seek to oppress and silence anyone who raises their voice.”.

The Cuban government denies the systematic abuse of human rights and denies that international observers have entered the island. Cuban leaders want the world not to see repression, but the world must be vigilant. America will watch», Underlined the North American official.

Joe Biden with Antony Blinken at a Cabinet meeting (Photo: Reuters)
Joe Biden with Antony Blinken at a Cabinet meeting (Photo: Reuters)

Price also highlighted: “We unite with the families who suffer and who fear, with Cuban human rights defenders and with those around the world who share our concern. call him immediate launch to all those detained and missing for having exercised their right to freedom of expression and demonstration ”.

“Highlighting the current crisis in Cuba is an important priority. With President Biden’s order, the US government is actively focusing on provide support to the Cuban people, either by providing humanitarian aid or by accessing information“said the spokesperson for the portfolio that leads Antoine Blink.

In the meantime, he concludes: “We call on the nations of the world to show their support for the Cuban people and to condemn the regime’s violent response. And we will also call on the oppressors to answer for their human rights violations through the Global Magnitsky Act. “

In turn, Blinken posted a message on his Twitter account: “A month has passed since the Cuban people took to the streets peacefully. As the world witnessed his call for freedom, the Cuban government persists in responding with repression. We remain committed to supporting Cubans in search of a better life”.

United States urges its citizens to take action to facilitate free internet access

The US Senate on Wednesday approved an amendment to facilitate free Internet access in Cuba, by promoting the creation of a budgetary fund to promote this service. "open and uncensored".  EFE / Yander Zamora / Archives
The US Senate on Wednesday approved an amendment to facilitate free Internet access in Cuba, promoting the creation of a budgetary fund to promote this “open and uncensored” service. EFE / Yander Zamora / Archives

The United States Treasury Department on Wednesday urged individuals and businesses under U.S. jurisdiction to act to provide telecommunications and Internet services to Cuba., one of the priorities of the White House after the protests on the island.

In a press release shared with the agency EFE, the Treasury Department has detailed exceptions to the Cuban embargo and other permits that allow U.S. citizens and others under the country’s jurisdiction to take action to extend Internet access on the island, without fear of being penalized.

The information released today reiterates and clarifies that persons subject to US jurisdiction may be involved in certain transactions to support the ability of the Cuban people to seek, receive and communicate information.Said Andrea Gacki, director of the Treasury Office for the Control of Foreign Assets (OFAC).

This office “encourages those who wish to provide this assistance to the Cuban people to benefit from the exceptions and permits“Considered under US law,” Treasury said in its statement.

The Treasury has published a list of specific services that can be provided under these regulations, to remind interested parties “That there are options” if they want to act to expand internet access on the island, he said EFE a source familiar with the ad.

A man uses his cell phone in Havana (Photo: EFE)
A man uses his cell phone in Havana (Photo: EFE)

This does not mean that the government of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, has decided to leave the issue of facilitating Internet access in Cuba only in the hands of third parties, and his team continues to “explore options and work with the private sector” to act in this regardadded the source.

The exceptions detailed by the Treasury are not new and are mostly contained in its Regulations for the Control of Cuban Assets (CACR). Among them stands out authorization under that law to initiate under the jurisdiction of the United States “transactions, including payments, relating to the provision of telecommunications services” in Cuba, including certain “connecting the United States or third countries ”with the island.

Including “connection to the internet, data, telephones, telegraphs, radio, television, press agency services and the like, whatever the transmission medium, including satellite», Indicated the Treasury.

The exceptions also allow those providing these services to “establish and maintain a physical presence” in Cuba to carry out these types of transactions, and Allow Americans to provide educational courses via the Internet to Cuban audiences.

Police arrest a man during a July 11 protest on a street in Havana (Photo: EFE)
Police arrest a man during a July 11 protest on a street in Havana (Photo: EFE)

In addition, they allow to provide Cuban users “some services“Software, such as applications for mobile phones, and others such as” e-mail or other messaging platforms, social networks, VOiP (voice over the Internet), storing web pages and recording calls. Internet portals’ domain names, the memo said.

OFAC has stressed that it is ready to help any interested party to circumvent US sanctions., and which will “give priority”, in addition, to any license request for any activity “related to free Internet access in Cuba”.

Following the anti-government protests of July 11, the Biden government has come under heavy pressure from the Cuban exile in Florida and various members of Congress to take steps to expand internet access on the island, restricted for several days after protests.

The US Senate approved precisely this Wednesday an amendment that aims to facilitate free access to the Internet in Cuba, by promoting the creation of a budgetary fund to promote this “open and uncensored” service.

(With information from EFE)

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