US says third dose of COVID-19 vaccine inevitable


In the image, senior U.S. government epidemiologist Anthony Fauci (Photo: EFE)
In the image, senior U.S. government epidemiologist Anthony Fauci (Photo: EFE)

The Chief Epidemiologist of the United States Government, Anthony Fauci, said Thursday “inevitable” that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccines be administered in the future, although he did not want to specify when.

This was stated during the press conference of the White House Response Team against COVID-19, in which he stressed that it is something that it will happen “sooner or later”. During this time, the American health authorities assess the situation on a daily basis and follow national and international studies to possibly make a decision on the matter.

“We do not believe that the elderly and non-elderly who are not immunocompromised need a (additional) vaccine at this time”, clarified aFauci.

Currently, fewer than 10,000 New Yorkers are receiving the first dose of the vaccine, despite the number of new daily cases climbing to 600 last week, more than double what was recorded last June (Photo: EFE)
Currently, fewer than 10,000 New Yorkers are receiving the first dose of the vaccine, despite the number of new daily cases climbing to 600 last week, more than double what was recorded last June (Photo: EFE)

The health officer recalled that this is a dynamic process and that all data must be examined to adopt a resolution, although he stressed that the government is preparing for the eventuality of a booster dose.

“If the data shows us that it needs to be done, we’ll be very ready to do it quickly.Fauci stressed.

The Food and Drug Administration should (FDA) green light soon for a third dose for the immunocompromisedlike people who have had an organ transplant or cancer patients.

Israel advances with third dose of vaccine as cases rise in Jerusalem (Photo: EFE)
Israel advances with third dose of vaccine as cases rise in Jerusalem (Photo: EFE)

However, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rochelle Walensky, indicated in the same press conference that “it is a very small population, it is estimated that it is 3% of adults ”.

In this regard, Walensky noted that Following the FDA’s decision, a committee of CDC scientists will meet on Friday to review the measure and make recommendations.

The United States is experiencing a new wave of pandemic due to the expansion of the delta variant of the coronavirus, which advances unabated and is at the origin of almost all new cases, the government therefore does not rule out administering a third dose of vaccine.

This contradicts the position of the World Health Organization (WHO), who called for a global moratorium on a third dose of vaccine, because he considers that if countries started administering it, it would not facilitate the global distribution of COVID sera.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Photo: REUTERS)
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Photo: REUTERS)

Israel was the first country to start administering third doses coronavirus vaccine for people 60 years of age and over, while Western countries strive to vaccinate as many of their populations as possible with two dose against the coronavirus.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that by administering the third booster dose, Israel is doing “a great service to the world, and the world is very happy that we are taking responsibility and leading this issue.

“Israel is advancing here with something that contributes enormously to world knowledge.”the president said in an intervention on Facebook, live.

A center where the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is administered in Israel (Photo: REUTERS)
A center where the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is administered in Israel (Photo: REUTERS)

Without us the world wouldn’t know the real efficiency levels booster shots, I wouldn’t know the dates, to what extent they affect infections, how they affect severe cases of illness, ”he added. “People aged 60 and over who have not yet received a third dose are six times more likely to get seriously ill and even die.”Bennett said.

Since the start of the reinforcement campaign262,000 Israelis aged 60 and over, corresponding to 21% of that age group, received a third dose, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health. In addition, 381,000 people already have a shift assigned to receive it.

(With information from EFE)

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