Nicolás Maduro announced that his son will be part of the negotiations with the opposition in Mexico


Nicolás Maduro Guerra, son of the Venezuelan dictator, looks at his father during a press conference in Caracas (Photo: Reuters)
Nicolás Maduro Guerra, son of the Venezuelan dictator, looks at his father during a press conference in Caracas (Photo: Reuters)

Nicolas maduro announced that his son, Nicolas ernesto, will be part of negotiations with the opposition which will begin in Mexico with the mediation of Norway. This is what Maduro assured, who explained that his son “He is part of the dialogue commission that is going to Mexico headed by Dr Jorge Rodríguez.”

“They go to Mexico to talk with the far-right opposition led from the United States. We will dialogue with the opposition pitiyankee, proyankee, with the slaves of the government of the United States. You have to talk even with the devil. We go with the cross, with the holy water, with the blessings of GodMaduro pointed out in a speech this Thursday.

In 2019, Nicolás Ernesto has been sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) from the United States Treasury Department, which named the son of the “illegitimate leader” of the Venezuelan regime, Nicolas Maduro Moros.

“Maduro depends on his son Nicolasito and others close to his authoritarian regime to maintain domination of the economy and suppress the Venezuelan people. The United States will continue to attack close accomplices of illegitimate regime informants who profit from Maduro’s corruption, ”then Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

Mature with her son
Mature with her son

Yesterday it was confirmed that opposition sectors and the government of Venezuela have entered the “final phase” of talks before the dialogue they will have in Mexico, said the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard.

“I confirm that the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed us that the parties that will participate in the dialogue on Venezuela entered the final phase of their exploratory talks in order to start negotiations in our country“, said the head of the Ministry of Foreign Relations (SRE) of Mexico in a message on Twitter.

The notice comes after the President of Mexico last Thursday, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced that The country would host negotiations between the government of Nicolás Maduro and the Venezuelan opposition due to the crisis in that country.

A few hours before Ebrard’s confirmation, the Venezuelan opposition sector led by the double presidential candidate Henrique Capriles confirmed its participation in the process which will likely start on Friday and which will also include the opposition led by Juan Guaidó.

Norway confirms government of Venezuela and Venezuelan Unitary Platform are in final phase of exploratory talks, aiming to start negotiations in Mexico facilitated by Norway”Said the Norwegian Ministry of External Relations.

Mexico’s offer comes amid growing role President Lopez Obrador has come forward for the unity of Latin America after years of disinterest in foreign policy.

In 2019, the López Obrador government was one of the few in the region to He did not recognize the opposition presidency Juan Guaidó and, along with Uruguay, defended a proposal for dialogue between Maduro and the opposition.

Nicolás Maduro and his son
Nicolás Maduro and his son

“The Mexican government has always promoted dialogue between Venezuelans themselves as the only solution to the situation in Venezuela, without interference and by favoring the humanitarian vision “, reiterated this Wednesday Maximiliano Reyes, Under-Secretary for Foreign Relations for Latin America.

Before the dialogue, the Venezuelan opposition sector expressed its desire for general elections “free“O”fair“While Maduro responded by saying he is ready to meet”any opposition», But requires that international sanctions are lifted before sitting down to negotiate.

Last week, several members of the opposition assured that the date for the start of negotiations was the next day. Aug 13, but, according to the president, the day is not yet fixed.

(With information from EFE)

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Government, opposition meet in Mexico to find way out of Venezuela crisis

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