Brazil: they expelled a deputy accused of the murder of her husband


Finally, the Brazilian Congress expelled Flordelis dos Santos de Souza, the MP accused of the crime of her husband in 2019. It is the evangelical pastor Anderson do Carmo, who was shot 30 times in June 2019. The victim, In addition to his wife, he was one of Souza’s 55 children.

Con 437 votes for and only seven against, the Brazilian legislature decided to withdraw it, although it maintained its innocence. Before the vote, he defended himself: “The city brought me here. I know I am innocent and I will prove it. But that I be judged by the people and, if it was the case, withdrawn from this place by the people ”.

The deputy is accused by the criminal chamber of being the ideological author of Carmo’s crime. Seven of his children, the victim’s siblings and a granddaughter are also charged. According to the judicial inquiry, the motive would be the money and power of an evangelical organization of which both were a part.


Besides a maternal bond, since she adopted it, and conjugal, a curious thing in itself in Western culture, they were linked to an evangelical Church. According to what emerges from the accounts of several witnesses in the case, they performed bloodthirsty rites and orgies among the faithful.

On June 16, 2019, Carmo received 30 shots at the door of the house where he lived with Souza in Rio de Janeiro. The file shows that many of them went to the victim’s genitals. Although the defendant has not been detained by parliamentary jurisdiction, she is accused of capital murder, criminal conspiracy, ideological and documentary lies and attempted murder.

On June 16, 2019, Carmo received 30 bullets at the door of the house where he lived with Souza in Rio de Janeiro.

In the investigation of the crime, there are at least 10 suspects, relatives of the victim and the lawmaker. Previously, the Brazilian justice had investigated other attempts to assassinate the victim. They even claim that she tried to poison her husband with arsenic. For this reason, seven of the member’s children are also under investigation.

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Souza adopted Carmo, 18 years younger, in his youth, as one of his 55 children. After a few years the bond changed and in 1994 they decided to get married.. Thus, they strengthened their bond with the Evangelical Church and participated in various religious rituals.

In 2018, with the coming to power of Jair Bolsonaro, Souza decided to take the plunge in politics and present himself as an evangelical candidate for the party of the Social Democratic Party (PSD). Thus, along with another group of religious candidates, she supports the arrival of the current Brazilian president.

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