WHO opposes compulsory coronavirus vaccination – Telam


WHO has marked its position by stating that "opposes any compulsory vaccination".

The WHO has marked its position by declaring that it “opposes all compulsory vaccination”.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that does not comply with the compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 in no country, although it advocates the importance of vaccination.

Due to the re-emergence of Delta variant infections and the slowing down of vaccination, several countries have opted for this type of measure for certain sectors of the population, mainly health workers or government officials, such as the Italy, France, United Kingdom. United States and United States.

However, the WHO has marked its position by stating that it “opposes all compulsory vaccination”, although s “the general population needs to be made aware of how vaccines work and how important they are”spokesperson for the organization Fadela Chaib, quoted by the Spanish international network RTVE, told a press conference.

In addition, he stressed that vaccines are only “one of the many tools we have in our hands”, since WHO experts have reiterated that vaccines are not enough in the fight against the coronavirus and must be combined with measures to stop infections.

WHO experts have reiterated that vaccines are not enough in the fight against the coronavirus.

WHO experts have reiterated that vaccines are not enough in the fight against the coronavirus.

Italy was the first country to require its toilets to be vaccinatedas well as teachers. In France, doctors must also do the injection. In the UK and Greece, employees of geriatric people also need to be vaccinated if they want to continue working.

Also The United States joined at the end of last month, forcing federal workers to get vaccinated, while several companies across the country such as Morgan Stanley Bank and luxury department store chain Saks Fifth Avenue have made the same move for their workers.

Even the information network CNN laid off three employees for violating internal coronavirus policy by going to the office without getting vaccinated.


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