Mom shares videos on TikTok with daughter she later killed


Nicola Priest, 23-year-old woman obsessed with social media, selfies and her followers was sentenced to 15 years in prison for manslaughter, after his daughter Kaylee A three-year-old girl was found dead with injuries to her chest and abdomen. In addition, the woman decided to upload the video to the social network Tiktok, after she had killed the young woman in the United Kingdom.

Nicola Priest danced around the room imitating a song and looked like any other young lady who posted silly videos to her TikTok account. However, the carefree 23-year-old was supposed to be a grieving mother because her daughter Kaylee he had died only 45 days earlier from horrific injuries.

The TikTok video and the cruel priest’s obsession with social media and his phone were detailed to jurors who witnessed a heart-wrenching court trial in Birmingham, England.

The priest was jailed last week by Birmingham Crown Court, and Experts compared the baby’s injuries to those of a child crushed at 40 miles an hour or fallen from a third floor.

Nicola and Callum were convicted of the girl's crime.

Nicola and Callum were convicted of the girl’s crime.

Three-year-old Kaylee-Jayde Priest was found dead in the apartment where she lived with her mother, Nicola Priest, on August 9 last year. The girl’s mother called 911, but a jury found her guilty after learning the little girl was “dead before the call was made.”

The little girl, described at trial as a “happy girl”, he died of serious injuries to his chest and abdomen. Subsequent medical examinations showed he also had other old injuries, including broken ribs, lower leg fractures and a broken breastbone.

Kaylee-Jayde Priest was abused by her mother and her partner.

Kaylee-Jayde Priest was abused by her mother and her partner.

Jurors heard the priest punch Kaylee on the head and label her a “fucking kid”, while the girl was also heard crying “in a frightening tone.”

On one occasion, neighbors downstairs at Kingshurst House in Solihull recalled hearing a knocking upstairs, then Kaylee crying, before hearing the priest say: “I’ll just say he fell out of bed.”

The same residents claimed to have noticed that “When Kaylee cried, the response seemed to be to cover her tears with music.”

Nicola Priest, the girl's mother, was sentenced.

Nicola Priest, the girl’s mother, was sentenced.

In an SMS exchange on July 24, 2020, a few days before Kaylee’s death, Priest told Redfern, “I’m going to kill her … because he keeps coming out of the living room or going into the kitchen so I spanked and slapped him for shitting in his diaper. “

Redfern said: “Well, give him one from me. ”

Three days later, Redfern texted Priest saying, “I’m going to keep the little kid away from me.” Prosecutors said the messages painted a clear picture of the “The indifferent attitude of the priest and Redfern towards Kaylee”.

El abogado de la acusación, Andrew Smith QC, abrió el caso al comienzo del juicio: “El caso de la fiscalía es que su muerte fue causada por haber recibido graves lesiones en el pecho y el abdomen en un asalto sostenido el 8 de agosto del past year.

“This willful assault occurred when the two accused were alone with Kaylee-Jayde.” Since Priest moved into the apartment in mid-2019, neighbors have heard her regularly “yelling” at Kaylee, including comments like “Shut up,” “Go away,” or “Let go. me quiet “and” never anything positive or nice. “.

The girl's mother was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

The girl’s mother was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

In the tapes shown in court, Kaylee-Jayde and her mother were seen together, a few hours before the fatal collapse of the young woman, using an elevator in the building where they lived.

The footage showed Priest’s complete disinterest in his daughter, repeatedly checking her reflection in the mirror and checking her phone, while the girl periodically looked at her mother’s face.

At no point in the recording is there any physical contact between the couple, as Priest isn’t even close to taking his daughter’s hand. Priest was also found guilty of cruelty to a child, in connection with the historical injuries of the young woman, but Redfern was acquitted of this charge.

In a statement released by police following the verdicts, Kaylee’s grandmother Debbie Windmill said the shock of his death would accompany him for the rest of his life.

Priest and Redfern were sentenced to 15 years in prison.


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