In southern Bogotá, they stabbed a TV journalist for stealing his cell phone


The journalist's cell phone and suitcase were stolen while traveling in a taxi.  Photo: Infobae Archives
The journalist’s cell phone and suitcase were stolen while traveling in a taxi. Photo: Infobae Archives

Massive attacks on commercial establishments, on the streets and on public transport have been the main news in Bogotá, in a wave of insecurity that is beginning to fill the patience of the inhabitants of the Colombian capital. and where journalists covering events in the city have even been robbed.

The most recent case is that of Jeisson Vera, one of the reporters of the Noticias RCN television news, who told on his Twitter account that he was injured with a knife in his hand, after being robbed while traveling by taxi near Primero de Mayo Avenue in the south of the city.

According to his account, he was injured when he protected himself from a knife attack by one of the criminals.

“Well without exaggeration, today I smelled death up close. Four guys smashed the back windows of the taxi I was driving on. The first thing they did was throw a knife in my stomach, come over, put my hand in and have a cut. Then it was just insults. I was shaking”, Vera called back.

With excessive violence, the perpetrators threw themselves on the car in which the communicator was transported and took away his cell phone and his suitcase.

“They told me over and over to give them my cell phone, I threw it on them because I’m clear I don’t want to die from a device, then two more broke the next glass and threatened me with two more knives for my suitcase. They also took her away, ”he added.

After accomplishing their mischief, the thieves fled with the journalist’s belongings, who confessed that he was very afraid of the harm they caused him.

“I was shaking, they ran away. He was at a traffic light and unfortunately he was talking on the cell phone. I was very scared, everything was going through my mind. Thank goodness I’m safe “, he stressed.

The journalist stressed that on this occasion, he had to be the protagonist of an event similar to those he covers daily in the news.

“What is paradoxical and not so much with the situation in Bogotá, is that today I had to be on the side of the victim whom I interview every day”, he counted.

Finally, Vera called on the mayor, Claudia López, to take action to tackle insecurity in the Colombian capital.

But he was not the only journalist to have been the victim of criminals, Héctor Rojas, television reporter at Noticias Caracol, was also the victim of a robbery. in which they applied a substance that made her pass out, after leaving the childbirth in the pink zone.

“I usually call the house and say I get in the cab and expect it. It’s the last thing I remember “said the reporter.

The next thing was that a man was shaking him hard to give him his things and get out of the vehicle.

“The guy was holding me and he was pushing me and telling me money. Totally disoriented, I realize that I am the victim of a theft. I try to identify where I am and I see that I am in a taxi “, he claimed.

After the assault, Rojas managed to flee from the criminals and some people helped him, who also noted the license plates of the car he was stolen from. He then went to a hospital where toxicologists determined he had been given a substance, apparently by inhalation.

The communicator had his cell phones and the suitcase in which he was carrying some of his work tools stolen.

Always with extreme violence, the journalist of the newspaper El Tiempo Óscar Murillo was the victim of the criminals who stole his mobile phone in the Camelia district of the municipality of Puente Aranda, in the geographic center of the city.

Murillo was accompanying a close friend who was inside her vehicle with her two children, aged 5 and 11, however, the communicator remained outside the car, next to the passenger seat, when four thieves got on board.

“Two came on foot, while the others did so on their motorcycles with their high beams on and pointing at us, one in front and one behind, waiting to escape. Engines running. They attacked just as the passenger door of the car where the children were sitting opened. But I stood there, crossed, preventing them from reaching their destination “, he said in the newspaper.

Murillo was pointed at his stomach to hand him his cell phone, but it got stuck in one of his jacket pockets, so the criminal hit him on the head with what would be a gun. Aggression which fortunately for the journalist allowed the phone to go out to give it to the thief.

They later started it against a close friend of the journalist, who managed to secure the vehicle, and although the thugs attacked the car windows, they preferred to run away.

“It’s part of everyday life in the country’s capital. The authorities have a huge challenge “Murillo reflects.


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