More than a million travelers will mobilize in the country’s terminals during the holiday break


Passengers wearing protective masks wait at the transportation terminal, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Bogota, Colombia, September 1, 2020. REUTERS / Luisa Gonzalez
Passengers wearing protective masks wait at the transportation terminal, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Bogota, Colombia, September 1, 2020. REUTERS / Luisa Gonzalez

A new holiday bridge is approaching in the country and it is already expected to be very active in the main terminals throughout the country.

Through the Ministry of Transport, its attached entities and the Directorate of Traffic and Transport of the National Police, A logistics and human component will be deployed ready to deal with any eventuality that may arise.

We call on those planning to travel to fully comply with biosecurity protocols, remember that using the mask correctly, washing hands and keeping your distance, are the measures recommended by the experts “, assured the Minister of Transport, Angela María Orozco.

The Directorate of Traffic and Transport of the National Police plans to mobilize 3,869,235 vehicles (toll gate), and to facilitate their mobility, 6,000 uniformed personnel will guard the lanes.

According to Major General Juan Alberto Libreros Morales, director of public transport and transport, “thThe safety device will carry out speed checks and ensure proper compliance with the highway code.

It is important that drivers avoid sudden maneuvers, both when braking and when changing direction, and that they keep the wiper blades in good condition and drive with the lights on.

For its part, the National Road Safety Agency called on all travelers not to drive under the influence of alcohol, or with the so-called “guava”.

He also advised pedestrians to use safe crossings, cyclists to be visible on the roads, and motorcyclists to use their helmets correctly.

We work with educational and awareness-raising actions so that Colombians benefit from safe routes, Among the activities, stands out the strategy of safe points, located in 14 road corridors of the country, as well as the Tables of Articulation (MAI) which are installed in 8 regions of the country, said the director of the National Road Safety Agency, Luis Lota.

The accompaniments on the road will be taken care of by the National Institute of Highways (INVÍAS), that it will have 340 additional operators at the toll stations at its expense, who will work divided into shifts, depending on the traffic demand that occurs in each station, every day of the week.

“Likewise, the 26 regional departments of the institute will be permanently available as well as the 90 road administrations available, in which 3,600 micro-entrepreneurs participate, including operators, technicians and engineers, located on 239 fronts and in charge of maintenance. current, ”said the director of INVIAS, Juan Esteban Gil.

He added that the new WhatsApp +57 1 7426767 line is available 24 hours a day to provide concrete, fast and reliable information to road users.

According to estimates by the Transport Superintendency, It is expected that more than 663,500 passengers in 103,000 vehicles will be mobilized through the 49 land transport terminals, and in order to guarantee safe and legal travel, the active sector, from today, the Transport Yourself With Legality strategy.

In this festive bridge, we will launch an important call to promote legal transport throughout the national territory, which is why we have launched the Transport yourself with legality campaign, which has been socialized with unions and transport terminals in order to continue to work in an articulated manner and thus be able to reactivate the economy with security and transparency ”, said Transport Superintendent Camilo Pabón Almanza.

Civil Aeronautics 378,837 people are expected to travel at the country’s airports, including 286,380 on national roads and 92,457 on international ones.

It is important for travelers to remember that this is no longer a requirement for entry for travelers arriving by air in the country, nor do they have to complete the CoronApp application that has been required. However, the completion of the Check-Mig is maintained, which will be required by the immigration authorities to enter and leave the country ”, recalled Jair Fajardo, director of Civil Aeronautics.


This festive bridge begins with road checks and prioritization of traffic lights in Bogotá.
With La Ruta de la Flores Medellín begins its fair, it will be ten days full of culture and colors to celebrate life.

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