War is coming to the dollar


But the FIAT parts era is drawing to a close as a parts war looms and it may be its very twilight. But before we get there, let’s take a step back in history to see how we got there.

Behind all wars, and beyond the control of peoples, there is control over resources, control over money and the economy.

Since the battles fought in ancient Babylon, whose key was control of the trade bridge between East and West, this eastern Mesopotamia, the famous Persian Gulf, continues to this day to suffer wars with the same background, only this time it is for the control of the flow and the price of oil.

But even in medieval times, kingdoms or empires always fought for more and more land, and subjects to collect their taxes on to feed the egos of the powerful and their expansion.

However, All of these wars have one thing in common: money. You cannot finance a war without money, and a gold-backed monetary system is not the ideal scenario.

So when Nixon repeal it Gold pattern, the new unsecured newspapers helped breathe new life into its economy and fuel its exports of war machines disguised as freedom. A role which, since First World WarThey had skillfully exported as a global currency through borrowing and economic dependence.

This whole prelude simply leads us to recognize the importance of money and its role in controlling the world. Recognize that all the monkeys dance for him and that is why it will be the mother of all wars, the one we have not yet seen and who will have very little physique but who, without a doubt, will be formidable.

The genesis :

In 2009, a cyberpunk created a new “sui generis” monetary system, very different from what had been seen until then, and started a global movement that has a lot of hippie and peace.

Not Bitcoin and with it, a monetary system that does not depend on any country, or wars, or imposed laws, or people, only mathematical laws and distributed consensus. A currency whose issuance can neither be manipulated nor centralized, which can reach the end of the world instantly, without intermediaries. One way to protect the value of certain abuse. With it, Blockchain Technology was also born.

The common enemy:

Even an elephant would fear a million ants, and a free, global system that even begins to provide financial services and income in a decentralized manner and without banks is seen more as a risk by the powerful than an opportunity for the people.

Bitcoin then becomes a common enemy, and that while killing him would be a Herculean feat like Hydra, cutting off his legs with decrees seems more viable, especially if they can invoke fear of the Knights of the Apocalypse that are drugs. , weapons, terrorism and child pornography, where in reality the dollar already reigns.


But come on, so far it doesn’t sound like a big war on the dollar, who cares about a few hippies thinking they could change the world. So what war is brewing?

Well, this magnificent Blockchain technology has started to be adopted by the states themselves to develop what is in the jargon called CBDCs. Are Central bank digital currenciesThey become like traditional currencies (only supported by the law of man and issued at will) but with the advantages conferred on them by this cryptographic technology. Full traceability and control or integration with smart contract platforms are a few, but most importantly efficiency, immediate global reach and instant account generation lowering the barrier of entry for other laggards and expanding competition.

For the moment only China released his own, but in a few years United States, United States, Russia, Brazil and the rest will have their lists, in addition to the smaller countries. And with this new wave of currencies, the dollar could start to lose importance and weaken, and with it, its castle built on the cards of the world’s greatest debt.

The fight will no longer be for land, oil or people, but for what currency will represent all this value. Money is the mother of all sheep and the battleground is now the Internet which could also be harmed.

Currencies of digital countries such as Facebook, Amazon, Alipay or others, although it is easier for the State to find who to tighten the balls as it happened to Zuckerberg and Jack Ma. But these represent the exchange of value of billions of citizens without borders.

The end of the story:

While all of this is happening, Bitcoin will grow stronger and shelter every disappointed soldier, who in turn will deposit their value in the only currency whose issuance has been stable and not damaged by the interests and attacks of these governments. The only thing that will have changed is what is not inherent in it and is given by the market, that is to say the price which, given its rarity, will be at other levels of its scale. logarithmic.

How to prepare:

On August 19 and 20, the NGO Bitcoin Argentina and Ámbito Financiero organize DescentralizAR, a free online event to guide all those who wish to discover or participate in this new monetary and financial system that is freer and fairer.

President of the NGO Bitcoin Argentina and organizer of DescentralizAR.org

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