José Daniel Ferrer, 35 days missing in Cuba: “Díaz-Canel ordered his kidnapping”


Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel during an act in Havana.  Opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer's family name him responsible for his kidnapping and disappearance (Reuters)
Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel at a ceremony in Havana. Opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer’s family name him responsible for his kidnapping and disappearance (Reuters)

April 18 José Daniel Ferrer He told about the delicate situation in his country. There is no intention of deep reforms in Cuba, said before the release of Raul castro as head of Match Communist and predicted a rain of protests against the dictatorship led by Miguel Diaz Canel. The head of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) knew the heartbeat of what was going on among the population and his prediction was correct. The cry of the people erupted on July 11 across the island.

The regime – perplexed and fearful of the historic popular backlash – has carried out a fierce crackdown. Joseph Daniel He was kidnapped a few meters from his home the same day at 5:10 p.m. Since then, 35 days have passed without knowing where or in what state he is. Like him, dozens of peaceful fighters have disappeared.

His wife, Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo suspected that he was in the main torture center of Castroism in Versalles, Santiago de Cuba. It was there that they last saw him. But everything is uncertainty. “So far, they have refused us to see it. Not even a phone call», He says on the other side of the line, in the middle of a thunderstorm which hits part of the Caribbean and makes communication difficult. No document certifies that Joseph Daniel continue there.

On Thursday, they had an oral communication on the fate of Shoeing which added confusion to the picture. “A hitman from Castro informed my husband’s cousin, Roilán Zárraga Ferrer, that José Daniel was transferred to Mar Verde prison last Thursday. But that same day I was with Roilán in Versailles and until our departure they hadn’t warned us, they only refused to allow us to see him personally.“, dice Nelva.

We cannot guarantee any information his tormentors give, let alone confirm until we, his loved ones, have physical contact with him or at least the right to a phone call. Two rights that have been denied to us“, adds the woman who lives attached to the telephone to see if there is any”life test“About the tireless social referent.

The health of the pro-democracy activist is one of the main concerns of his family. “My husband has chronic gastritis from an ulcer contracted from long hunger strikes.“, recount Infobae wife. These protests started during the call Black spring 2003. “Before taking him away, he was vomiting blood and had a lot of abdominal pain.“, remember.

Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo holds a photograph in which she calls for the freedom of José Daniel Ferrer García, kidnapped on July 11 during the historic protests in Cuba (Ferrer Ortega Family)
Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo holds a photograph in which she calls for the freedom of José Daniel Ferrer García, kidnapped on July 11 during the historic protests in Cuba (Ferrer Ortega family)

Everything indicates that it may be a bleeding ulcer. But as the great leader and brother of the people that he is, he did not hesitate to say “with my people until the end‘. He always told us: ‘If I have to die, let him fight peacefully alongside my people, not in a hospital bed due to illness’ ”, die Nelva broken by anguish.

The 30-year-old caring for the two-year-old son she has with Shoeing and every morning she tires out state offices to learn something about her husband – she recounts how the capture went on July 11: “He took to the streets peacefully to support the people, to join the social outbreak that began in San Antonio de los Baños and that has spread throughout the country. Two blocks away, he was unfairly and arbitrarily detained by the repressive forces of the Castro-Communist regime under the command of the puppet and murderer Cuban Miguel Díaz-Canel, who ordered his abduction and enforced disappearance.”.

The representatives of the Revolutionary National Police (PNR). There they also took the son of Shoeing, Danielito Ferrer Cantillo, 18 years old. They were transferred to Versalles. Within hours, the two were separated in a part of the torture center called “the tunnel”. After a five-day hunger strike, the young man was released for having no history. He was the last to see his father there, where he is believed to be still being held captive. Described at Nelva what happened there and the degrading conditions in which the detainees were found. Still in shock.

Knowing her husband’s fight and the conviction that drives him, Nelva this phrase he kept repeating from “die in battle and not in a hospital bed”. He fears for his life. You think you are probably going through a hunger-strike, which would put him on the verge of death.

– Days go by and there is no information on José Daniel or on dozens of other Cuban social fighters who were arrested on July 11.

– Anguish and uncertainty invade and suffocate not only our family but thousands. Every day the situation is more worrying. We have loved ones who are missing, detained, injured, imprisoned for false crimes. They mourn their dead simply because they took to the streets peacefully to demand freedom and respect for human rights. We no longer want a dictatorship. The silence of the regime and its executioners only makes us understand that it is the victim of inhuman, cruel treatment … that it is tortured as before. They can’t show that they let her die. This option is the one that would favor the dictator Raúl Castro and Díaz-Canel the most because my husband has always been a stone in the shoe. They know that he is not afraid of prison, that he does not give in with any of his tortures and that because all his life he has given himself body and soul to the freedom of Cuba, to the fight against dictatorship.

Nelva believes that the same situation could be repeated with other political prisoners: Felix Navarro (President of the Party for Democracy Pedro Luis Boitel), Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara (San Isidro Movement), for example, and many other activists whose fate and state of health are unknown. “The only thing we know is that they must be in inhuman and degrading conditions”.

My husband always knew that it was the pressure of the people that could bring about regime change. It seems the time has come and we saw that last July 11“Said the wife of the man who tells on her tired back nine years in prison, including six in solitary confinement. “We have a leadership that is not government, but essentially criminal», He underlined Nelva evoking the Cuban state without stopping that his words could cause him more problems in a country marked by arbitrariness and the lack of freedom of expression.

– They tried to silence the Cuban people. Do you think they did? Or will the marches continue?

When an entire city rises, there is no turning back. This diet has deceived many people for over 62 years. Even very good people. Now everyone knows, the world has its eyes on Cuba and on those who did not want to see that we are in the hands of criminals and that they are now more alone than ever. The causes that led to this social outbreak are present, they remain.

Nelva He also talks about the other drama that few comments on Cuba: the manipulation that the Palace of the Revolution made the pandemic of COVID-19[feminine. “Il y a une énorme pénurie de médicaments et de nourriture», prévient-il. “C’est désespéré de voir combien de personnes meurent dans leurs maisons ou dans leurs polycliniques parce que l’ambulance n’arrive pas parce qu’ils n’ont pas d’essence… Mais il y a du carburant pour ceux qui répriment les gens. Réprimer et arrêter, menacer les personnes âgées et les mères d’enfants, oui il y a”.

Nelva Ortega, José Daniel Ferrer García et leur fils de deux ans, José Daniel, dans une photo d'archive (Ferrer Ortega Family)
Nelva Ortega, José Daniel Ferrer García et leur fils de deux ans, José Daniel, dans une photo d’archive (Ferrer Ortega Family)

Combien de morts sont morts dans leurs maisons, dans les polycliniques, dans les couloirs d’hôpitaux à cause du manque de soins appropriés… ils accusent les médecins mais ce n’est pas comme ça. C’est le système. Les médecins essaient de faire de leur mieux. Mais quand il n’y a pas d’antibiotiques, il n’y a pas de réactifs pour faire des suppléments médicaux, quand il n’y a même pas d’oxygène ou de lit pour cette personne, c’est le système qui est responsable, pas les médecins. Et il y en a beaucoup qui sont morts en attendant d’être traités et beaucoup sont morts sans avoir effectué le test d’antigène ou la PCR parce qu’ils disent qu’il n’y a pas de réactifs. En d’autres termes, c’est un effondrement total de notre système de santé. Pour ce que Ici à Cuba, les nombres officiels d’infections et de décès dus au COVID-19 doivent être multipliés par de nombreux entiers d’approcher à distance la réalité que nous vivons», a-t-il remarqué.

Nelva reprend le thème de la crise sociale et politique au sein de l’île et conclut : «Il y en aura beaucoup, beaucoup le 11 juillet. Le Cubain a perdu la peur de la punition. Et cela, plus que divisant, s’est multiplié. Il a uni non seulement les Cubains à Cuba, mais aussi ceux en exil. Et cela est très important pour la lutte pour la liberté de notre pays. Un Cuba pour tous les Cubains, pas seulement pour un petit groupe. C’est pourquoi nous exigeons la liberté pour tous parce qu’ils sont innocents. La liberté a été volée depuis l’arrivée au pouvoir des frères Castro et a été suivie par Miguel Díaz-Canel”.

Twitter: @TotiPI


José Daniel Ferrer, après le départ de Raúl Castro : “Il n’y a aucune intention de réformes profondes à Cuba”
Un mois derrière les barreaux : des centaines de personnes restent en prison à Cuba après des manifestations contre la dictature

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