Judge de Villavicencio criticized the public prosecutor’s office for requesting the exclusion from the process for the death of 9 workers on the Chirajara bridge


Image of the Chirajara Bridge, which connected the Bogotá-Villavicencio road.  Photo: Colprensa - Diego Pineda.
Image of the Chirajara Bridge, which connected the Bogotá-Villavicencio road. Photo: Colprensa – Diego Pineda.

A reprimand has been received by the representative of the Attorney General’s office who is leading the process of the deaths of nine workers on the Chirajara Bridge, which collapsed in January 2018 and where it is being sought to determine whether there was any responsibility on the part of the engineers who led the work, as well as the company Gisaico, which was in charge of this project on the Vía al Llano.

In the Noticias Uno television news, they followed the progress of this case and found that last Thursday, August 12, during a new hearing, the second criminal judge of Villavicencio (Meta), Luis Efrén Blanco, He ended up blaming the actions of the prosecutor in the case, who asked for the case to be closed.

“They must slow down in this rush to archive everything, to pre-conclude, to close. I think so in a respectful way “, they quoted the words of the togado.

In this newsletter, they recalled that the bridge was 64 percent complete when the accident took place which claimed the lives of workers, so an investigation was launched. in which, henceforth, the judge in charge considered that the representative of the accusing entity would not sufficiently fulfill his duty of investigation.

“He’s back here as a defender and the downside is it remains as a puff that there is a certain tendency to favor at this request the people of a certain condition, stratum or affinity with the people who hold the management of the economic power “Justice Blanco added in his argument.

For this judicial authority The crime of wrongful death also does not correspond to this case, for which they point the finger at the construction company and its collaborators, he therefore changed his classification and reiterated his request for further investigation.

“The criteria of this office do not fall within this adequacy, but in that of the figure of the homicide with possible intention”he explained.

In Noticias Uno, they reported that According to the judge, before the collapse of the road structure, there had been several alarms about what could happen.

“Neither the engineer Hincapié, nor in general the company Gisaico made a greater effort to correct these anomalies, causing with their negligent behavior a harmful result in the collapse of the bridge”, Luis Efrén Blanco, second criminal judge of Villavicencio.

In the news, they pointed out that The victims and their lawyers endorsed the judge’s decision, however, before the prosecution, they appealed, reason why the decision will come to the second instance.

In June of this year, it was announced that construction of Phase 3 would begin of this infrastructure project, after the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) and the auditor will grant them “no objection” to the studies and designs of this stage.

Coviandes is the consortium mandated to build the new structure which will be in successive cantilevers and will have a total length of 421.2 meters, three spans of 114.6 meters and 114.6 meters, respectively. In addition, the deck will be 11.50 meters wide, which will facilitate the mobilization of automobile traffic in two 3.65-meter-wide lanes and a 1.80-meter berm in the slow lane.

The viaduct superstructure will also be supported by two main pillars, one of them will be 54 meters high, and the other 73 meters.

It is estimated that it will generate around 350 direct jobs and that It will cost around 96,000 million pesos, which will be fully paid by Coviandes, as reported in an article in Semana magazine.


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