They discover a new complaint against Gustavo Bolívar for owing a man 30 million pesos


Bogotá, December 4, 2018. In the photo: Gustavo Bolívar, Senator of the Republic.  (Colprensa - lvaro Tavera)
Bogotá, December 4, 2018. In the photo: Gustavo Bolívar, Senator of the Republic. (Colprensa – lvaro Tavera)

Senator Gustavo Bolívar has been “in the eye of the storm” in recent days, in particular because of a complaint filed by actor Bruno Díaz, who in a video claimed that the parliamentarian owed his son more than 200 million euros to pesos.

Apparently, this would not be the only debt the senator is linked in, because this weekend, in an interview with Miguel Polo Polo, another complaint was known with a debt of several million pesos. The man, identified as Orlando Hernández, was contacted by a friend who worked at the Paraiso Studios hotel.

However, the friend did not have a sufficient budget to purchase the materials that the job required and for this reason, Hernandez enters as a financier.

“This is where I come in. I financed the purchase of equipment, even when paying the payroll, labor by credit cards because I did not really have cash, I had in my possession a card thanks to my credit life with a good quota, so I told him that I supported him to buy the materials and advance the work to Senator Bolívar ”, the man explained during the interview with the twitterer on the right.

According to the man, time passed and the senator did not contact, so Hernández began to insist, because he had to pay the credit cards that were used for the process and only the materials added a debt of 30 million euros. count interest and utility. In desperation, the man goes to the facility to meet with the politician.

“I walked in and through my nephew I said to him, ‘please help me get the senator to take care of me.’ Then he told me he was going to talk to him and after five long hours of waiting the senator answered me. We agreed that he was going to turn the scales in my favor; As a result of these statements, I was calm and said, the senator will indeed comply “, he detailed.

However, apparently these were just words, as the money never reached the man’s account and his insistence was so great that Bolívar blocks him from WhatsApp after receiving several messages demanding the agreed payment.

Likewise, Orlando took advantage of the space with Polo Polo to call the petrista to answer him once and for all for the money.

“Please I need this money, I have a family to support, I have no job right now, but you senator have your salary in the Senate, you have your properties in Miami, you have your hotel with the medieval hotel you are building, you have the means to pay. I need a senator to pay me ”, Hernandez said.

Bruno Díaz accuses Gustavo Bolívar of not paying a debt to his deceased son

Diego, in his campaign for the Bogotá council in 2019, described himself as “a pioneer and recognized for the implementation of renewable energy systems”. He had a company called Gaiag, Guianza por la tierra, el aire y el agua, with which he did this type of work in the country.

His proposal to reduce the cost of energy services in Bogotá with renewable infrastructure has already been tested by the until then writer Gustavo Bolívar. According to Bruno, who evolved in the televisual field of the author of “Without breasts there is no paradise”, he considered him as a friend and that is why he presented his son for a contract of solar panels. .

Díaz recounted the situation through a video published on August 7, in which he called Bolívar “Falsario” because he allegedly broke the contract with his son. The aim was to build two solar panels at the Paraíso Estudios hotel in the municipality of Ricaurte in Cundinamarca, owned by the current senator from Colombia Humana.

“I accompanied Diego to the hotel and the two quickly came to an agreement which was then formalized into a contract, the purpose of which was to build and install two structures that would produce photovoltaic solar energy and power establishing with her, ”the actor said.

The contract, according to the complaint, started with 10% of the value by Bolívar and Diego Díaz, the entrepreneur, assumed a loan of about 200 million pesos for the expenses corresponding to the hiring of personnel, the import elements, execution of work, transport and food.

“The job was delivered to satisfaction and the ‘Falsario’ immediately began to reap the benefits, as can be seen on the following month’s invoice, consumption was reduced by 50%. Henceforth, the savings obtained would be paid month after month to pay off the debt until the full amount of the work was covered; a figure close to 200 million pesos. The system is called the payment for savings and is a stimulus to the implementation of clean energy because the entrepreneur does not have to pay all the money up front, but rather pays for the savings without punish his capital, ”explained Díaz in his video.

However, the actor assures that Bolívar has not fulfilled his obligation and has not paid the down payments after the delivery of the work. The debt ran and caused economic damage to Diego Díaz, the entrepreneur, “who, as a result, defaults at the bank, is reported to the data credit, the possibility of financing new jobs with loans from the financial system is closed and the economy is notoriously affected. familiar, ”he added.

Bruno Díaz assures that his son approached the senator on several occasions, sent him the overdue invoices by email, but received no response. He also went to the hotel to drop off the bills, but they did not sign for him. In addition, the actor assures that his son entered Congress and found Bolívar in a Commission, already elected, he smiled at him and told him to wait, but then he left the parking lot and disappeared.


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