Reinado Trans del Mar ended in a violent brawl due to a disagreement with the winner


Trans reign of the sea. Photo: Culture Magdalena
Trans reign of the sea. Photo: Culture Magdalena

El Reinado Trans del Mar, a beauty contest that takes place in Santa Marta, with the aim of opening up an inclusive space to this population and other diversities of sexual identity, in this type of events, not s’ is not finished in celebration. The disagreement left by the judges’ final decision on who to win resulted in the stage becoming a combat zone with verbal and physical attacks.

The event had not taken place for a year due to the restrictions needed to control the covid-19 pandemic, so after several months, it reopened with a face-to-face edition last weekend. From August 12 to 14, various activities were carried out as part of the “diversified cultural week”, with artistic, gastronomic and academic events.

The competition developed in the middle of traditional parades in nautical events, folkloric walks, disguised parade and social visit; and ended with the controversial election of the new Captain of the Transnational Sea 2021, in Simón Bolívar Park in Santa Marta.

There, the participants and guests of the show gathered around a platform, as well as the delegations of each of the municipalities represented by the candidates, who, in the midst of harangues, cries and banners, celebrated their queens during this festival of diversity.

Although everything was going normally, it was at the end, after the final verdict is delivered, when the public disagreed with the jury’s decision. The disagreement sparked a massive fight in which police intervention was necessary.

Everything indicates that the representative of La Guajira had won the affection of the public and had done enough merit to be crowned, but the judges considered that the national captain Trans del Mar 2021 should be the representative of the department of Magdalena.

The jury announced that Sara Valentina Montoya Royz she was the new queen; Davina Roosebelt from Wof, trans from the Gulf of Morrosquillo was the viceroy; Oriana Dhonson, of La Guajira, the first princess; Sofia Anaré, trans of Arauca, the second princess and Sara Daniela Mendez Jimenez, trans from Norte de Santander, the third princess of the contest.

This is where the delegates started a protest against the jury. They verbally expressed their non-compliance, because they considered that other candidates had managed to outperform the venue representative, so she should not win.

Among the assistants and participants, the rumor spread that the candidate of Magdalena, supposedly, had everything ready to win before the competition, for which they denounced irregular arrangements for the election of the transnational capital. Moods rose even higher when there was no review of the decision.

Following verbal complaints and protests, the excesses have started. In addition to the beatings, those involved in the brawl threw down chairs that were placed for the comfort of the public. Although a good part of the participants fled the conflict, others remained in the conflict, which, in turn, spread to various places in Bolivar Park, in the historic center of Santa Marta.

“There was a need to build capacity, but thanks to the timely action of the Metropolitan Police of Santa Marta, Although he was difficult to defend, he did not grow bigger, and the situation was brought under control.», Declared Colonel Óscar Solarte of the Metropolitan Police of Santa Marta, quoted by the newspaper El Heraldo.

Investigations will continue in order to determine those responsible for the abuses in the event of which overshadowed the event in defense of sexual diversity which seeks to promote the values ​​of dignity, inclusion, respect and recognition of the LGBTI population.

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