Former MP Mauricio Toledo reportedly faces $ 578million bank movement complaint


Mauricio Toledo Gutiérrez (Photo: Twitter @ mauriciotoledog)
Mauricio Toledo Gutiérrez (Photo: Twitter @ mauriciotoledog)

This Monday, August 16, the General Prosecutor’s Office (FGR) filed a complaint against Mauricio Toledo, former member of the Labor Party (PT), for deposits of nearly 224 million pesos and withdrawals of 354 million 720 thousand 290 pesos, as well that it was reported by journalist Rubén Mosso for the Millennium Journal.

According to the publication, federal government officials revealed that the complaint was filed by the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), reporting to the Ministry of Finance, which also indicated deposits for 23 thousand 665 dollars and withdrawals for 3 million 521 thousand 181 dollars.

The anti-corruption prosecution of the FGR is responsible for investigations, information received since last April, and four natural persons and four legal persons are also mentioned.

federal officials, quoted by Milenio, pointed out that the UIF complaint mentions that José Giovani Gutiérrez Aguilar, who will demonstrate as mayor of Coyoacán on October 1, is a shareholder of XC Internacional Comerce.

(Photo: file)
(Photo: file)

The Mexican politician was head of the Coyoacán delegation from 2012 to 2015 and was a local deputy in the VII legislature of the Federal District’s Legislative Assembly from 2015 to 2018.

Mauricio Alonso Toledo Gutiérrez is presumed responsible for the crime of illicit enrichment, this because the former delegate of Coyoacán he has a heritage which is not justified according to his perceptions.

The prosecution’s investigation indicates that of the total assets acquired and money in Mauricio Toledo’s bank between 2012 and 2019 it is 20,826,611 pesos, while during the same period their income was 9,406,624 pesos, which highlights a difference of 11,419,987 pesos.


Benjamin Saul Huerta Corona is accused at CDMX of sexual abuse and rape against two young men, accusations which led him to be dismissed from Morena. The accusing party claims to have “Legal, conclusive and scientific evidence” which indicate the probable responsibility of Huerta Corona in what he is accused.

According to the testimony of one of the alleged victims, the legislator has a modus operandi in which detects the needs of its potential victims and exploits them in their favor. This is because in the narration he offered he assured that the MP offered him a job in his team and because he promised to help him pay for his university studies.

The first arrest of Saúl Huerta it happened on April 21 when he was observed leaving a hotel in the Juárez neighborhood and identified as the alleged sexual assailant of a 15-year-old boy.

benjamin saul huerta corona (Photo: Twitter @ SaulHuertaOf)
benjamin saul huerta corona (Photo: Twitter @ SaulHuertaOf)

Later, on the day of the attack, he clarified that Saúl Huerta gave him a drink, which made him feel bad and, taking advantage of this situation, he was transferred to a hotel in the Zona Rosa where he raped her.

After investigation, the expert reports presented to the lawyer for the minor’s family revealed the presence of ethanol in the victim’s body. Likewise, the analyzes also showed that the minor showed signs of sexual assault.

During a broadcast on Ciro Gómez Leyva’s TV news, audios were shown where the minor is heard recounting how Morena’s deputy allegedly sexually assaulted him.

The 15-year-old reported that the deputy of the 11th Federal District of Puebla told him he was rI would have two bedrooms (one for each), however, he only rented one with a single bed and “when I got out of the truck I felt dizzy and couldn’t walk well,” the miner said, adding that when he was arrived in the room he leaned back and then the sexual abuse happened.


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