Nicolás Maduro proposed a “direct dialogue” with the United States which includes the return of business leaders


Venezuela's dictator Nicolás Maduro (Photo: REUTERS)
Venezuela’s dictator Nicolás Maduro (Photo: REUTERS)

Venezuela’s dictator Nicolás Maduro said on Monday that he will propose “the opening of a direct dialogue” with the US government., after breaking off relations two years ago, within the negotiation process with the Venezuelan opposition in Mexico.

“We will propose to the Mexican table the opening of a direct dialogue with the government of the United States to address all bilateral issues. And if we put an agenda on the table, we could bring the charge d’affaires backThe president said at a press conference with international media.

On the other hand, Maduro assured that the dialogues which began last Friday with the opposition in Mexico “are already fruitful”. and he celebrated the signing of a memorandum which officially started the negotiation which he called “peace”.

“I think they are already successful. The peace talks between Venezuela and the right-wing extremist sectors have started well, they are already crowned with success, I have in my hands the original document from Mexico and I have the impression that it has a life of its own“, declared the president during a press conference with this memorandum in the hands.

In his opinion, this document is “a success for the country because it puts everything in its place”. He recalled that he demanded “the inclusion of three points and the three points, with all their force, are present in this memorandum of understanding ”.

Among these three proposals, He stressed that the first was “the recognition of the legitimate authorities of Venezuela” that “it was the first step that had been taken”.

This recognition, in the opinion of the dictator, is manifested by the signature of the President of Parliament, Jorge Rodriguez, as a plenipotentiary of the executive who signs for the regime, although he is not a member, and the “coordinator O Leader“From the opposition, Gerardo Blyde.

Another of the items they demanded is “the end of the violence “and affirmed that in the signed memorandum” they undertake to cease any conspiracy”.

Gerardo Blyde, head of the Venezuelan opposition delegation;  Dag Nylander, representative of the Government of Norway and Jorge Rodríguez, President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, sign in Mexico a Memorandum of Understanding as part of the process of negotiation and dialogue to overcome the economic and social crisis in Venezuela (Photo: REUTERS)
Gerardo Blyde, head of the Venezuelan opposition delegation; Dag Nylander, representative of the Government of Norway and Jorge Rodríguez, President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, sign in Mexico a Memorandum of Understanding as part of the process of negotiation and dialogue to overcome the economic and social crisis in Venezuela (Photo: REUTERS)

The third of these points, as he recalled, is “the lifting of all sanctions“Which he called a ‘central element’.

“Sanctions lifted or nothing”, he added like “setpoint“From his delegation.

However, the president did not raise a fourth condition that he himself raised on June 1, when He said negotiations with the opposition should be public so the country knows all the details.

“If we want to bring the table together, it has to be a public event, with cameras and journalists, with statements, photographs, images and transparency, zero secrecy, how the meetings should be, public, and the country should know the details», Then declared the president during an act of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

For his part, Rodríguez, who also took the floor, said that in order to get to the beginning of the dialogue, “arduous conversations” were necessary because there is “a significant dispute” and a “deep division” between different sectors of the opposition.

For this reason, the signing last Friday in Mexico marked “the conclusion of more than six months of conversation between the government and the sectors of the opposition”.

Rodríguez explained that they will “promote the working meetings in Venezuela”., in addition to the meetings in Mexico City.

(With information from EFE)

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