“The likelihood of the government regaining its credibility is extremely low”


Monday August 16, 2021 10:28 a.m.

Cada Mañana’s team spoke with economist Juan Carlos de Pablo about the repercussions of the political situation on the economic situation.

On Monday, Cada Mañana’s team met with economist Juan Carlos de Pablo on the national economic situation in a country on the eve of legislative elections marked by the pandemic.

“If they tell me if this government can regain credibility, I cannot exclude it, but the probability is very low”, analyzed the economist, and estimated that “if so, by 2023, this election is important for many reasons but from the point of view of the point of view of recovering the capacity to be credible is complex ”.

For Pablo, “the moral is that doing economic policy in these conditions is difficult” and he explains: “You have officials in charge of the economic field, you do not have an economic team because there is a complicated situation. in two years now “.

Regarding the latter, the economist said that “when you have a crisis of this caliber, you have to wait for the officials to freeze. It’s logic. You only have individual initiatives ”.

“The government now wants to develop a productive plan for farmers. Do you want producers to produce more? Don’t fuck them anymore, ”said de Pablo.

“We have to get used to the fact that this will be the environment in which we will have to operate”, explained De Pablo and thanked “private initiative”: 300% “.

The economy in the political context:

“The Argentine government is going to the G20 meeting to explain why it is wrong and that it is ill-prepared,” he criticized de Pablo. “We depend on the world, the world does not depend on us, any president begins with a good diagnosis of the world whether he likes it or not”, analyzed the economist.

The indictment:

De Pablo referred to the context of the United States and detailed: “They were not going to get the Democrats to give up on Clinton. When Nixon resigned, it was because the guy was excited that the Republicans let go of his hand. “

“No one here is waiting for the ruling party to put their thumbs down in front of the president following the photo and I don’t know how many other things. But, the logic is this, I don’t miss it,” he said. he declared.

The economist explained that “there are people who say that there are things more important than the photo to pass judgment” and added: “Sorry, political judgment is made with what you have, politics have these rules “.

De Pablo said he did not know if it would have an impact on the elections, although he judged that “it has implications because it paralyzes the Frente de Todos”.

“The famous issue of lack of leadership is elementary and it also has to do with Together for Change, there is no Churchill, but there is none in the world either,” he said. concluded.

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