In Venezuela, opposition leader Freddy Guevara was released | A leader close to Juan Guaidó


While in Mexico City, the first round of dialogue between the government and the Venezuelan opposition was ending, in Caracas, the opposition leader and former MP was released. Freddy guevara, representative of the Popular Will of Venezuela.

Guevara, one of the leaders closest to opposition leader Juan Gaidó, detained for more than a month at the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN). After his release, he announced that he will appear in Venezuelan courts to find out “in what premises” he was being held, which he still does not know.

Guevara also expressed his real commitment to securing the freedom of all political prisoners, ”according to material published by Voluntad Popular from his Twitter account.

The arrest of Freddy Guevara

On July 12, the Venezuelan Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) confirmed the arrest of Guevara, who he said was linked to extremist and paramilitary groups linked to the Colombian government. A few hours earlier, the opposition leader had made a live broadcast on social networks to denounce that security agents were trying to hold him “by force”.

“This Monday, July 12, the public prosecutor requested an arrest warrant against Freddy Guevara, who was detained by the Sebin (Bolivarian National Intelligence Service) because of his links with extremist and paramilitary groups associated with the Colombian government” , indicates a press release. released at the time by Attorney General Tarek William Saab.

The deputy accused him of the crimes of “terrorism, undermining the constitutional order, conspiracy to commit a crime and treason against the homeland”.

In 2017, Guevara participated in violent opposition protests in Caracas, took refuge in the Chilean embassy in November of the same year and left the country in September 2020 with a pardon granted by President Nicolás Maduro. .


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