Malala urged to stand up for women and welcome Afghan refugees after Taliban advance


Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai (Photo: REUTERS)
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai (Photo: REUTERS)

Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai, price Nobel Peace Prize, urged the international community to not close the doors to Afghan refugees in the foreseeable massive flight of civilians due to the rise of the Taliban, a group of which she herself was a victim when she campaigned in 2012 for the education of girls.

The young woman expressed his concerned for the fate of women and girls under extremist yoke, insofar as the Taliban ostracized them from the regime which ended in 2001 and can now return.

“You cannot see a country going back decades or centuries”, the 24-year-old Pakistani activist said in an interview with the British public broadcaster BBC.

“We must take courageous positions to defend women and girls” in Afghanistan, underlined Yousafzai, who when he was 15, a taliban shot him in the head when he got home on the school bus.

Malala was treated for her injuries in UK, where he settled and studied a career at the University of Oxford.

Malala appeals to the ‘leadership’ of leaders to urge them to ensure, above all respect for Human Rights, guarantee “immediate” protection to translators or activists whose life is in danger.

“Countries must open their borders to Afghan refugees”, He said.

The activist assured that she had already sent a letter to the Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Jan, ask you allow the reception of people who may arrive from the neighboring country, as well as to promote the education and protection of women and girls so that they do not go through what she has experienced.

“We had to hide the books under the handkerchief”Malala recalled, talking about what life under Islamic fundamentalism means for women. Women, he says, “They keep raising their voices, they are brave, they are strong“And” they should have more opportunities and more time to tell us what we can do for them, for peace in Afghanistan. “

(With information from Europa Press and EFE)

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