They arrested a businessman in the United States who worked with the army of the Venezuelan dictatorship


Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López (Photo: EFE)
Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López (Photo: EFE)

US authorities arrested US-Venezuelan businessman Jorge Nóbrega, who was brought to trial in Miami for allegedly providing services to the Venezuelan Air Force without a license and in violation of US laws and sanctions ., and the laundering of the money earned through these illicit transactions.

After his arrest last Sunday, Nóbrega, who heads Miami-based Achabal Technologies and a subsidiary in Venezuela, He will appear tomorrow Wednesday at a hearing before the judge, as recorded in the court’s electronic records.

The case against the employer is the result of an investigation by the Investigation Office of the Department of Homeland Security (HSI) based on complaints from a confidential informant, according to the first document in the case.

HSI Special Agent Michael simpson In this letter, he sets out the reasons why the United States can sue Nóbrega.

According to this document, The businessman was responsible for replacing explosion-proof foam in the fuel tanks of Russian Sukhoi-30 fighter jets belonging to the Venezuelan Air Force and received millions of dollars in payment for his services.

According to the testimonies revealed by the Miami Herald, the businessman visited the Minister of Defense of the Maduro regime in Caracas, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, to finalize business with the Chavist dictatorship.

Venezuelan Air Force Sujoi-30 fighter jets (Photo: Europa Press)
Venezuelan Air Force Sujoi-30 fighter jets (Photo: Europa Press)

The money arrived by wire transfer to a bank account in Portugal in the name of Achabal Technologies and as senders a “tripartite structure” was used., made up of TIPCO, a Thai asphalt manufacturing company, and Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) and its subsidiary Bariven SA.

“Nóbrega and a confidential informant discussed the importance of ensuring that there is no mention of PDVSA in future documents with the Portuguese bank,” even though “PDVSA would continue to be involved in payments to Nóbrega “, reported the Miami Herald.

Simpson points out that Nóbrega never applied for the required license for services related to Russian aircraft and also violated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) and the United States Arms Export Control Act (AECA).Besides laundering money and plotting to do it.

The prosecutor’s office has already made it known that it is against the granting of Nóbrega release on bail because, according to him, there is a risk of absconding.

This case is the latest in a series of investigations carried out by US authorities against businessmen involved in bribery operations in partnership with government officials. Nicolas maduro, Who is it They helped the dictatorship bypass US sanctions against the Chavist dictatorship.

(With information from EFE)

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