They found human remains in the landing gear of the plane that left Kabul


US troops discovered “human remains” on the undercarriage of the besieged military plane on Monday August 16 at Kabul airport for Hundreds of Afghans distraught by the rise of the Talibanthe US Air Force, which opened an investigation into the incident, said on Tuesday. It is believed to be the remains of a person crushed under the wheels of the aircraft before takeoff.

The Air Force said it would review any video circulating on social media of a C-17 transport plane that hundreds of people chased, some trying to madly cling to its wings or wheels. Another video showed the same plane flying over Kabul and what appeared to be two people falling into the void.

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In addition to uploaded videos and news articles of people falling from the plane during take-off, human remains were found on the landing gear of the C-17 when it landed at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. “US Air Force spokeswoman Anne Stefanek said. “The investigation will be deepened to allow us to obtain all the facts on this tragic incident,” he added in a statement.

    Kabul caos 20210817

After a rapid offensive coinciding with the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country, the Taliban have taken control of Afghanistan, causing chaos at the airport in the capital, the country’s only exit. The evacuation of diplomatic personnel, foreign nationals and Afghans was organized in a situation of chaos, with human tides at Kabul airport, the only exit door from the country. Civilian and military flights were suspended for a few hours, before resuming around Monday evening.

    Kabul caos 20210817

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Images shared on social media showed hundreds of Afghans on the runway trying to cling to the fuselage of a C-17 military transport aircraft. The videos appeared to show two people falling from the plane after take off. The photo of 640 Afghans crammed into the US C-17 on Sunday is a powerful symbol of the haste, chaos and angst that marked the evacuation efforts.

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“Images of desperation at Kabul airport are a disgrace to the West”German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Tuesday, insisting on the “human tragedy” experienced by the Afghans, who are desperately trying to leave the country, and for which “we are jointly responsible”. And Chancellor Angela Merkel called the situation “bitter, dramatic and terrible”.


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