the country that has coped best with the pandemic has started its full quarantine due to the Delta variant


New Zealand, where its more than five million people were confined on Monday when the first case of the coronavirus was reported after six months, faces its first outbreak with the Delta variant, which has already produced ten local infections.

“Last night’s results confirmed that it is the Delta variant and that it is linked, through genomic sequence, to infections in the New South Wales epidemic (the epicenter of the third wave of Covid-19 in Australia), the First told reporters. New Zealand Minister Jacinda Ardern.

The president, hailed around the world for her management against the pandemic, had decreed this Monday the isolation for three days of the more than five million inhabitants of the country, while those who live in Auckland and in the neighboring Coromandel peninsula will be confined for seven days.

This drastic and early measure was taken after its detection, for the first time in almost six months, contagion from an Auckland resident, who traveled to Coromandel last weekend after being infected.

They have since been reported nine other infections. Among them is a person who works in a hospital in Auckland, which has 1.7 million people and is the most populous city in the ocean country.

New Zealand police reported on Tuesday that there were three small demonstrations against containment measures in Auckland, Tauranga and Nelson, which resulted in the arrest of eight people.

The Cook Islands government has suspended the non-quarantine travel bubble with New Zealand for 72 hours, which is racking up 2,580 confirmed cases and 56 more likely infected, while accumulates 26 deaths and nearly 50 active cases, almost all in quarantine centers.

New Zealand authorities last week stepped up their vaccination campaign, which started last February with border workers and began inoculating doses of Pfizer to the general population in late July.

The executive hears complete the vaccination before the end of the year to reopen its borders, which were closed in March 2020, from the first quarter of 2021 thanks to an individualized plan that weighs the risk of the country of origin of the international traveler and his vaccination status.

With information from EFE.


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