Jeanine Áñez had to be hospitalized for the third time in a week


Without prior public notice, Jeanine Áñez was taken early in the morning to a hospital in El Alto, town adjacent to La Paz, where Cardiology and other studies requested by her relatives and the doctors who treated her last week have been carried out, revealed a source from the Penitentiary Directorate, who added that the office would later issue an official report on his state of health.

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Doctors at the Thorax Institute in La Paz who examined her twice last week she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and anxiety, but she was sent back to prison after doctors found her “totally stable”.

Cuéllar considered it an irregularity and a risk to health the transfer of the former de facto leader of 54 years to a hospital in El Alto, in an operation that lasted about three hours, without prior notification to his relatives and legal representatives.

“I denounce the irregular transfer of former president Jeanine Áñez from Miraflores prison to del Norte hospital. How are they going to get him to a 4,100-meter-tall hospital with high blood pressure?

The lawyer said that until this morning, the legal defense had failed to obtain from the prison or judicial authorities an official report on past studies which were carried out amid spectacular police operations on the exit and in the entrance to the prison.

“We ask what is the real state of Mrs Áñez, the former president is not in good condition, she is in very poor health, she is very affected in her health”, evaluated Cuéllar, quoted by the local media .

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Áñez has been detained since March and has two preventive detention orders hanging over her, which would extend her imprisonment until at least February 2022, pending trial, accused of the 2019 coup., in which Bolivia’s constitutional president Evo Morales was forced to resign and she proclaimed herself transitional president.

Separately, the Attorney General’s office processes the approval of several liability cases against the former de facto president, for massacres, sedition and economic and administrative crimes and violation of the Constitution.

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