Human Rights Watch called Taliban promises to respect human rights “vague words”


HRW: “Taliban must demonstrate their commitment to human rights through action”

The NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that for now the Taliban only uttered “vague words” regarding respect for freedoms and human rights in Afghanistan and he urged them to make a public commitment to respect existing treaties and to allow the presence of the UN and independent international observers.

HRW Asia Campaign Director John Sifton believes “The Taliban must demonstrate their commitment to human rights through actions”, exposed in successive interviews and even in a press conference organized Tuesday in Kabul, two days after the takeover of the Afghan capital by the militiamen.

“Win the confidence of the nation and the world will demand that the Taliban authorities across the country respect the human rights of all ”He added, aware of the risk faced by vulnerable groups such as women, government officials or foreign military collaborators.

Indeed, HRW and other organizations have already collected information on allegations of extrajudicial killings officials by terrorists in recent weeks.

Human Rights Watch called Afghanistan's human rights pledges
Human Rights Watch called Afghanistan’s human rights pledges “vague words”

In the case of women, Sifton pointed out that “The Taliban cannot claim that women and men have equal rights while using discriminatory language.” “It is precisely these kinds of misogynistic views that reached brutal extremes the previous time the Taliban had power,” he warned, referring to the regime ousted in 2001.

The head of HRW considers it “key” that the UN can set up a mechanism to investigate human rights in Afghanistan and report publicly on the real situation, apart from the promises. The Human Rights Council is due to meet urgently next Tuesday and HRW is hopeful that a resolution will be passed that will open the door to an investigation.


The United States, the European Union (EU) and 19 other countries signed on Wednesday a joint declaration advocating respect for the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan.

“We are deeply concerned about Afghan women and girls, your rights to education, work and freedom of movement. We call on those in positions of power and authority throughout Afghanistan to ensure their protection, ”says the document promoted by the US State Department.

International concern for the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)
International concern for the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)

The joint declaration was jointly signed by Albania, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, European Union, Honduras, Guatemala, North Macedonia, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Senegal, Switzerland. , the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

“Afghan women and girls, like all Afghans, deserve a life of safety and dignity. All forms of discrimination and abuse must be avoided. In the international community, we are ready to help them with humanitarian aid and support, to ensure that their voice is heard, ”the text continues.

Signatory countries pledged to closely monitor “how any future government guarantees the rights and freedoms that have become an integral part of the lives of women and girls in Afghanistan.” Since twenty years “.

(With information from Europa Press)


Women’s rights will be subject to what “Islamic scholars” decide, a senior Taliban official confirmed.
Videos: Women took to the streets of Afghanistan to demand “work, education and political rights”
Cruelest bans and punishments the Taliban impose on women

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