Taliban search ‘door to door’ for Afghans who collaborated with US and NATO


Taliban patrolling the valleys of the Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood in Kabul, Afghanistan (Photo: AP)
Taliban patrolling the valleys of the Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood in Kabul, Afghanistan (Photo: AP)

The Taliban are looking for people who worked with US and NATO forces in Afghanistan to interrogate and punish them., according to a confidential United Nations document, which warns against “Tortures and executions” against these people and their families, despite the fact that the activists promised not to take revenge on their opponents.

The newspaper New York Times, who released the information on Thursday, cites as a source the Confidential UN document shared internally within the organization, dated Wednesday and provided by the Norwegian Center for Global Analysis, a threat advisory group that provides intelligence to agency agencies.

According to the document, There are several reports that the Taliban have a list of people and locations, and have gone door to door “to arrest and / or threaten to kill or arrest family members of those targeted unless they are ‘they don’t engage in the Taliban’.

Taliban patrolling the streets of Kabul (Photo: AP)
Taliban patrolling the streets of Kabul (Photo: AP)

Moreover, according to the same source, the Taliban also they screen people heading to Kabul airport and have set up checkpoints in major cities, including the capital and Jalalabad.

Are particularly at risk members of the Afghan armed forces and police, as well as people who worked for the investigative units of the overthrown Ashraf Ghani government, including an example Letter sent this week by the Taliban to an anti-terrorist officer.

To the unidentified officer who worked with American and British forces, he was instructed to appear before the Armed Forces and Intelligence Commission of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Kabul or members of his family “They will be treated in accordance with Sharia”, take the newspaper.

Afghan civilians prepare to board a US plane for evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport (Photo: REUTERS)
Afghan civilians prepare to board a US plane for evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport (Photo: REUTERS)

“They target the families of those who refuse to surrender, and persecute and punish their families.”said Christian Nellemann, CEO of the group Norwegian Center for Comprehensive Analysis.

“We expect that both people who previously worked with NATO / US forces and their allies, as well as their family members, are at risk of torture and execution“He added.

This will further compromise Western intelligence services, their networks, their methods and their ability to counter both the Taliban and the Taliban. like the Islamic State and other terrorist threats, ”he added.

Joe Biden, President of the United States (Photo: EFE)
Joe Biden, President of the United States (Photo: EFE)

The report notes that activists “quickly recruit” new informants to collaborate with the Taliban regime and they are expanding their target lists by contacting mosques and money brokers.

Information revealed by UN document contradicts recent Taliban statements, who assured that they would not seek revenge on their opponents. Did the group launch a public relations strategy since their return to power on Sunday, including the promise of a full amnesty for all who worked with the elected Afghan government.

But Afghans and observers have not forgotten the ultraconservative Islamic regime of the Taliban from 1996 to 2001, when brutal punishments have been inflicted, like stoning to death for adultery.

Afghan citizens after the Taliban victory (EFE / EPA / STRINGER)
Afghan citizens after the Taliban victory (EFE / EPA / STRINGER)

Until this Thursday, US evacuated 7,000 people from Afghanistan and improved access to Kabul airport accelerate the departure of its nationals and employees in the Asian country.

President Joe Biden, in a channel interview ABC News advanced Wednesday in excerpts, said that still there are between 10,000 and 15,000 Americans who must be evacuated, in addition to the 50,000 to 65,000 Afghans and their families that the United States wants to expel from the country.

(With information from EFE and AFP)

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