Jorge Arreaza, the unconditional chancellor of the Chavista regime who was deposed by Nicolás Maduro


Jorge Arreaza has been removed from his post as chancellor of the Venezuelan dictatorship (Photo: EFE)
Jorge Arreaza has been removed from his post as chancellor of the Venezuelan dictatorship (Photo: EFE)

Jorge Arreaza has become in recent years one of the most visible faces of the Venezuelan dictatorship. In his role as Chancellor, he has been one of the main people responsible for justifying to the international community the constant violations of human rights and crimes against humanity, for which there are dozens of complaints and complaints. investigations against the regime. This Thursday, the diplomat was dismissed from his post by the dictator Nicolás Maduro, who announced that he will be the next Minister of Industries and National Production, and that he will assume in his Félix Plasence.

Born June 6, 1973 in Caracas, Arreaza is the son-in-law of the late former President Hugo Chávez (1999-2003), and had been Chancellor since August 2017, when he was appointed by Maduro.

During his tenure was responsible for strengthening the regime’s ties with other dictatorships and authoritarian countries such as Cuba, Nicaragua, Russia, China and Iran, and pursued a diplomatic policy of extreme tension with all nations and international organizations critical of the dictatorship, such as the United States, the European Union, Colombia and the Organization of American States (OAS), among others.

Since joining the ranks of Chavismo, he has held various positions. He was Minister of Ecological Mining Development and between 2013 and 2016, he was Vice-President of the Republic, in the first three years of dictator Maduro at the Miraflores Palace.

Arreaza stood out for its unconditional support Maduro, for whom he has become one of the Bolivarian dictator’s trusted men.

Since Maduro came to power in 2013, Arreaza has given unconditional support to the dictator (Photo: EFE)
Since Maduro came to power in 2013, Arreaza has given unconditional support to the dictator (Photo: EFE)

His influential role in the Chavist regime led him to be sanctioned by the United States and Canada.

In April 2019, the US Treasury Department announced a series of sanctions against senior officials of the Venezuelan dictatorship, including Arreaza. “The United States is not going to look at how the illegitimate Maduro regime deprives the Venezuelan people of their wealth, their humanity and their right to democracy.”said Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury under the administration of Donald Trump.

“As a result of today’s sanctions, all the property of these people and all the property they own, directly or indirectly, in a percentage of the 50% or more, which are in the United States or in a position or under the control of people in the United States are stranded, ”the Treasury said.

After the fraudulent presidential elections of 2018 in which dictator Maduro was proclaimed the winner, The United States has applied a series of sanctions against the regime and its main figures. However, Washington has repeatedly said that the measures are permanent and can be lifted as soon as there is “a change in behavior” from the dictatorship.

In accordance with the leadership of the dictatorship before each round of sanctions imposed by foreign countries, Arreaza argued that such actions give him “more strength”: “There are reactions that confirm that we are on the right track and give us more strength to fight.”

In the midst of a new stage of negotiations with the opposition, the Maduro regime demanded the lifting of all sanctions for the dialogue to succeed.

After Maduro’s announcement on Thursday, Arreaza expressed his support for Plasencia, who was ambassador for the dictatorship in China: “All the support Felix. He relies unconditionally on our experience accumulated in the struggle to guarantee the definitive success of Bolivarian peace diplomacy ”.

“Honored to have served my brave people in such difficult times, complex years of constant aggression on all fronts. We overcome every attack by imperialism with deep patriotism, firmness and the wise advice of the President ”, wrote on his Twitter account. “From now on, we will have a huge challenge: to contribute to the productive recovery of the country, despite the blockade and the difficulties. Always relying on the creative powers of the People “, he concluded.

Read on:

Nicolás Maduro has dismissed Jorge Arreaza from his post as Venezuelan Foreign Minister: Félix Plasencia will replace him
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