“Women are in a terrible situation”: the raw story of a Chilean filmmaker in Kabul


Jorge Saïd (EFE)
Jorge Saïd (EFE)

He is one of the few people who preferred to stay in Kabul after the Taliban invasion and his voice has become one of the main narratives of the Afghan crisis for Latin America, Chilean documentary filmmaker Jorge Said claims to have lived “four days of terror” and fears “another civil war”.

The situation is very complex, there is a lot of fear in the streets, the Taliban are everywhere and people are desperate.. It has been four days of real terror, ”Said said in an interview with Efe from his hotel in downtown Kabul, where he was caught up in the conflict.

The 55-year-old journalist and filmmaker he was in Afghanistan to record a new episode of his documentary series “In Search of God”, which broadcasts the American channel Story 2, during the invasion of the capital by the Taliban, who in a few hours took control of the city 20 years after the fall of their regime.

Since then, he says, “everything changed“And the panorama is”dark“There are areas without water or electricity, there are no thefts to leave the country and although they don’t arbitrarily detain people, they control vehicles and streets.

The women are in a terrible situation, some wear the hijab (a kind of veil) and cover themselves completely. In the refugee camps they jump on you for money, they are desperate and they don’t mind dying“It grieves.

In recent days, fear of violence has spread to Kabul and the chaos in which the city is plunged has also reached its hotel, which since Monday has been under the control of a group of insurgents who regulate entry and exit. and whose room he searched. on numerous occasions, he denounces.

Taliban patrol in the Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood of Kabul city, Afghanistan (AP Photo / Rahmat Gul)
Taliban patrol in the Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood of Kabul city, Afghanistan (AP Photo / Rahmat Gul)

“The fear of a civil war”

Now Said, who does not intend to return immediately, assures “fear a new civil war», Especially now, when the former Afghan first vice-president Amrullah Saleh, who has served as interim president since President Ashraf Ghani fled last Sunday, called for resistance to the Taliban.

At the moment there are militias that are preparing to be a pole of resistance, especially in the province of Panjshir (where the vice-president is located) and this creates an uncertain situation.“, He expressed.

The moment they are attacked and “If a civil war begins, the Taliban will start with the harsh doctrine of killing people“, Supposed the documentary maker, and the situation”It will become very heavy for the locals and for us journalists”.

Afghanistan’s collapse came shortly after US and NATO forces entered the final phase of withdrawing troops in May to leave the military bases to the Afghans.

(By Patricia Nieto Mariño – EFE)


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