The resignation of Andrew Cuomo, accused of sexual abuse, places a woman as governor of New York for the first time | Kathy Hochul will have African-American Andrea Stewar-Cousins ​​as vice-president


New York State will have a female governor for the first time in its history, once Andrew Cuomo’s resignation takes effect on August 24. Kathy Hochul, current vice-president, will take charge of the Capitol in Albany, the next in line. “As a person who has served at all levels of government, I am ready,” said the 62-year-old politician., who will assume the difficult post after a notorious scandal … Disgraced, Cuomo was forced to resign amid pressure from Democratic leaders (including incumbent President Joe Biden), who called on the triple governor to step down after the barrage of complaints for sexual harassment against him, mainly from employees of his administration. Although he denies the charges, The 165-page report recently presented by New York Attorney General Letitia James after 5 months of investigation was damning: not only confirmed the testimonies of 11 women, concluding that “Andrew Cuomo violated state and federal law” and that “these were not isolated incidents but a model of behaviorHe also verified his team’s intimidation efforts to instill a culture of fear and, likewise, to discredit the voices of victims.

Despite incorporating the formula into the last two AC terms, Hochul’s name does not appear in the report. In addition, she was among those who strongly demanded his resignation, calling his behavior “disgusting and illegal”. Her apparent ignorance of Coumo’s “inappropriate behavior” does not surprise political analysts: Kathy has never been part of the close entourage of the outgoing governor. In fact, there are those who throw poison darts at Hochul for his “merely ceremonial” role of vice, claiming he only devoted himself to “being a kind face” as he roamed the counties for openings. and events. Other people, however, remember that this work has historically had very limited power and should not cast a shadow over Hochul’s abilities.

“Behind his serene style, his enthusiasm for meeting voters and his serious tweets in favor of #BicycleDay and #NationalCerealDay, lies a clever and pragmatic policy that has been underestimated at crucial times,” notes the New York Times about this quiet lawyer. . The Washington Post also noted that “he worked hard, step by step, tenaciously, proving his worth time and time again when hardly anyone gave him the ball.” Even with a long history, it is a virtual unknown to many Americans. Those who know her predict the success of her future management, pointing out some of her qualities: captivating personality, ability to cultivate relationships, willingness to seek consensus. For now, Hochul must design a priority program that, as he had planned, will focus on the pandemic and its economic and educational consequences, providing aid funds to the sectors most affected. If African-American Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins ​​was confirmed, as expected, to serve as vice, NY would be the only state with two women in top political office. With a budget of $ 212 billion to manage, by the way.

Throughout his career, KH has championed the right to abortion, equal marriage, increased minimum wage, Medicare health program; He also fought the opioid crisis, sexual harassment on college campuses, etc. However, the left-wing sectors of her party are still reluctant to bet unconditionally on a lady who tends more towards moderation than progressivism. They don’t forget how, in the early 2000s, Kathy stood up against undocumented immigrants applying for a driver’s license. Or how, some time later, she spoke out in favor of the use of weapons for sporting purposes, while being endorsed by the National Rifle Association (NRA, by its initials in English). In recent years, however, Hochul has radically changed his mind, reversing his 180-degree stance on both issues. In fact, he sharply criticized the NRA after the Sandy Hook massacre, calling for strengthening laws that allow access to guns.

Born in NY in 1958, her baptismal name is Kathleen Mary Courtney and grew up in a low income Catholic family of Irish descent. Their elders lived the first years of marriage in a caravan. Papa Jack was a metalworker who worked in a factory at night and attended college during the day, until he eventually found his way into the tech industry, founding a thriving business. Mom Pat, a housewife, opened a transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence in honor of her own mother, who was the victim of abuse. From the house of her paternal grandparents, Kathy remembers two pictures hanging side by side, “placed so that they have the same importance: that of Jesus and that of John F. Kennedy, charismatic and compassionate leaders.” .

He studied at Syracuse University and the Catholic University of America, where he obtained his doctorate in law. In the 1980s, she married Will Hochul, a former federal prosecutor, hence her current last name. As soon as she graduated, she worked as legal counsel to Congressman John LaFalce and, later, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, both of the Democratic Party. He would later turn fully to local politics, as a councilor in Hamburg, a town in Erie County, for nearly a decade and a half. He was followed by the post of secretary of the said county for 4 years; Although he did not achieve national prominence until 2011, when he secured a seat in the House of Representatives for a district that had been in Republican hands for more than 4 decades. “After the brief stint in Congress, Hochul moved to her hometown of Buffalo to work as a lawyer at M&T Bank. He was there when, in 2014, Cuomo approached him to offer to be his running mate… ”, suggests El País. And the rest, as they say, is history … The history to come.


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