Oxygen shortage to treat COVID-19 patients has forced Orlando to cut water consumption


A testing station for COVID-19 in Barnett Park, Orlando, Florida (Photo: AP)
A testing station for COVID-19 in Barnett Park, Orlando, Florida (Photo: AP)

The city of Orlando on Friday asked to reduce water consumption “immediately” because the liquid oxygen needed for its treatment is used to treat patients with COVID-19 before the the explosion of hospitalizations in Florida and the national shortage of the product.

The mayor Buddy Dyer explained Friday that there is a “great national demand” for liquid oxygen and called on the community and businesses to refrain from watering lawns. and wash your vehicles for at least a week.

“It’s another result what happens when residents go unvaccinated and become seriously ill and require urgent medical support and treatment “Dyer lamented during a press conference.

The Orlando Public Utilities Commission (OUC) said that the liquid oxygen with which the city’s water is treated is diverted to hospitals.

A group of people walk to the covid-19 test center outside the Miami Beach Convention Center (Photo: EFE)
A group of people walk to the covid-19 test center outside the Miami Beach Convention Center (Photo: EFE)

Local authorities have indicated that of the 10 weekly liquid oxygen supply trucks for drinking water treatment is reduced to seven or five due to the growing number of hospitalizations, which now exceed 17,000 in Florida.

The OUC pointed out that it is essential to reduce watering of lawns and gardens, since it represents the 40% of water consumption in Central Florida, home to the Universal and Disney theme parks.

The mayor’s office added that If the water consumption is not reduced, they will be forced to issue a warning to boil the liquid before consuming.

According to figures from federal agencies, to date 17,198 people are hospitalized in 258 state hospitals, and there is only 6.9% availability of beds in the intensive care unit.

In the picture, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (Photo: EFE)
In the picture, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (Photo: EFE)

For the second week in a row, the Florida Department of Health reported more than 150,000 new cases of coronavirus. According to the new data, 150 118 new cases last week, lower than the 151,468 of the previous one.

Meanwhile, the President of the United StatesJoe Biden said he was ready to take action against governors who oppose forcing the use of masks in schools to stop growing COVID-19 infections, including Florida’s Ron Desantis.

“Some politicians are trying to turn public health measures, such as the wearing of masks by children in schools, into political conflicts for their benefit,” he added. Biden said in a speech at the White House.

When the school year is about to start, health authorities have recommended that all students wear a mask in classrooms, including those who have been vaccinated.

Children with masks start classes in Florida (Photo: REUTERS)
Children with masks start classes in Florida (Photo: REUTERS)

In both Florida and Texas, the Republican authorities have banned their schools from States impose this obligation on students and claim to defend the “right” of parents to decide what they want for their children.

DeSantis threatened to cut funds from rebel schools or even to stop paying the salaries of the officials of the schools concerned. in these decisions.

(With information from EFE and AFP)

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