Keys to understanding why the Delta variant is spreading so fast


(Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae)
(Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae)

More contagious and more resistant to vaccines, the variant B.1.617 (Delta, according to the classification of the World Health Organization) of COVID-19 has become the new epidemic danger, because it already predominates in 92% of active cases in Mexico and reduced hospital capacity, warned the Pan American Health Organization (SPO).

“In Mexico, more than two-thirds of the states present a high critical risk for as hospitals fill up with patients suffering from COVID. Transmission continues to increase, Now is not the time to be content with yourself or let your guard down“, Warned Carissa F. Etienne, the director of the health agency.

Since this strain reached the national territory, one wondered why it was spreading faster and more dangerously, in particular for the young sector. Here are some of the reasons mentioned in an article published last week in the magazine Nature, on why Delta is more deadly than the other variants.

The publication states that various studies have shown that a amino acid change present in the Delta variant could contribute to its rapid spread.

(Photo: Mario Jasso / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Mario Jasso / Cuartoscuro)

The virologist team Pei Yong Shi, at the University of Texas at Galveston, analyzed a mutation that alters a single amino acid in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the viral molecule responsible for recognizing and invading cells.

“The main characteristic of the Delta is that transmissibility seems to be taking it to the next level», Reveals in Nature. “We thought the Alpha variant was pretty bad, but the Delta seems to be even more damaging”.

The change, called P681R and transforming a residue of proline into arginine, occurs in a studied region of the peak protein called the furin cleavage site.

Although studies have shown that the change P681R is an important feature of Delta, scientists point out that this is unlikely to be the only mutation responsible for its rapid spreadAs this strain has many other mutations in the peak protein, as well as in other less studied proteins, which could be important, according to the experts.

Besides the virus’s greater efficiency in transmitting, other factors influenced its rapid spread in Mexico and around the world. One of the main reasons that the Delta variant also spread was the relaxation of restrictions; the “satiety“Sanitary measures to prevent contagion, such as the use of masks; and the meetings and Holidays which were carried out with settlements, even clandestinely in different parts of the country.

(Photo: Twitter @ cloretto2)
(Photo: Twitter @ cloretto2)

It should be mentioned that although Delta represents a new challenge in controlling the pandemic, vaccination against COVID-19 offers certain advantages for those who already have the full regimen, because in the event that an immune person becomes infected, the amount of virus can decrease more quickly, as well as the time that the virus will be present in the body, if not someone who does not have the biological.

And it is that the number of deaths in Mexico due to COVID-19 has been counted in 253 155, after their death within the last 24 hours 228 people, according to the Department of Health. Also, according to the agency, on the last day they reported 7,658 new cases, to give a total of 3,225,073 total infections.

According to the Daily Technical Report, epidemiological week 32, which runs from August 8 to 14, began with a drop in 11% the estimated number of cases compared to the previous week and 142,109 active cases, that represent 4.1% of the total reported since the start of the pandemic.


Mexico maintains “critical risk” due to Delta variant of COVID-19 and hospitalizations, WHO warns
What are the symptoms of the Delta variant and what precautions should I take?
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