Andrew Cuomo bid farewell to his New York governorship and target the prosecution, politicians and the press


In the picture, the motionless Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo (Photo: EFE)
In the picture, the motionless Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo (Photo: EFE)

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who was forced to resign cornered by sexual harassment charges against him, bid farewell on Monday with a message in which he blamed the New York attorney general, politicians and the press of his fall. in a speech delivered a few hours before officially leaving his post.

When the government politicizes the charges and the headlines convict without facts, the justice system is undermined, and it does not serve women, men or society.“Cuomo said at the start of his last post as governor after 10 years in office.

Cuomo announced his retirement on August 10, which, according to him, would be effective in two weeks, after New York Attorney General Letitia James presented a report concluding that New York politician sexually harassed 11 women in their work environment, and that the state parliament has initiated a process to celebrate a no-confidence motion against him.

The tax report even pushed the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to ask him to resign.

“A firecracker can cause a crush and the attorney general’s report was designed to be a political firecracker on an explosive issue and it worked. There was a political and media scramble. But the truth will come out over time I’m sure, ”said Cuomo, 63.

In his speech, the Governor recalled, once again, what his mantra has been since the first charges came to light: that these claims “are not based on facts”.

Kathy Hochul, Lieutenant Governor of New York (Photo: Europa Press)
Kathy Hochul, Lieutenant Governor of New York (Photo: Europa Press)

Charges must be scrutinized and verified, whether they are made by a woman or a man. This is our basic justice systemCuomo pointed out, who in the 15-minute speech made no reference to his immediate or medium-term future.

The governor, who on the day he announced his retirement, assured that he was assuming “full responsibility for your actions“Although he continued to believe that he never went too far with anyone, he said today that he would prolong the situation that arose as a result of his alleged harassment. “It could only bring the government to a standstill.”

Besides, aprovechó su última intervención todavía en el cargo para arremeter contra el ala más progresista de su agrupación política (el Partido Demócrata), a la that responsilizó del fracaso de las negociaciones para that Amazon will build a sede in Nueva York, así comaros fond de quer to the police.

He also insisted on the alleged advances made during his 10 years as head of state and it praised in particular the development of infrastructures and the progress towards a green economy.

Cuomo, what will be replaced this Tuesday by his Lieutenant Governor, Kathy Hochul, to whom he wished all success in this stage, said goodbye with the phrase he has made famous in his daily press conferences since the start of the pandemic:

New York, always be tough, smart, united, disciplined and loving. It’s the essence that makes New Yorkers so special. God bless you, ”he concluded.

(With information from EFE)

Read on:

Andrew Cuomo’s resignation: the key call that precipitated New York governor’s end
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigns accused of sexual harassment
One of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s victims broke the silence: “What he did to me was a crime.

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