Taliban sentenced brother of Afghan translator who helped US troops to death


A group of Taliban
A group of Taliban

The Taliban reportedly sentenced the brother of an Afghan translator to death, who they say helped American troops, according to the news network CNN through certain documents he was able to access in the media.

The fundamentalist group sent three letters, two handwritten and one typed, in which they summoned the Afghan citizen to stand trial by the Taliban for “ensuring the safety of his brother” who served as an interpreter for US troops.

This is a clear example of the anxiety Afghans and their families would feel after the Taliban took power.

“He was accused of helping the Americans”, wrote the Taliban in the first of three letters to the Afghan, adding: “He is also accused of having ensured the safety of his brother, who was an interpreter.”

The first letter from the Taliban in the summons to the brother of the interpreter of the American troops
The first letter of the Taliban is summoned in audience by the brother of the interpreter of the American troops

In the first letter, the fundamentalist group orders the man to present himself to an audience be tried for what they consider a crime, work as a translator for the United States.

Then, in the second letter, also handwritten and stamped identifying the correspondence of the Taliban, Afghan citizens are notified of their absence at the previously scheduled hearing.

The second letter from the Taliban in which they threaten the interpreter's brother not to attend the hearing
The second letter from the Taliban in which they threaten the interpreter’s brother not to attend the hearing

In the third document, typed, the Taliban inform the Afghan citizen that because he did not appear at the previous hearings, what they call a rejection of the warnings that were made, so they take the decision to declare him “guilty”, for which he will be condemned to death.

A former soldier who worked with the Afghan translator paid tribute to his work with the team and the plight his brother would face due to the threat from the Taliban.

The letters were sent over the past three months to the translator’s brother. Chain CNN He preferred to keep the names of the interpreter and his brother confidential with the intention of protecting them in the midst of the critical situation they are going through.

The Taliban have delivered the letters over the past three months to the interpreter’s brother, according to the former serviceman who worked with the interpreter.

“These court decisions are final and you will not have the right to oppose them”said the third letter. “You chose this path for yourself and your death is eminent [sic], God willing”.

The third letter in which the Taliban condemns the interpreter's brother and condemns him to death
The third letter in which the Taliban condemns the interpreter’s brother and condemns him to death

These threats totally contradict the image that the Taliban wanted to offer to public opinion in which they wanted to show themselves as a moderate group and far removed from the extremist practices that characterized them 20 years ago.

“No one will be hurt in Afghanistan”Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said: “Of course there is a big difference between us today and 20 years ago.”

The United States, along with its allies in Afghanistan and other countries, does not believe the words spoken by the Taliban in which they promised they would respect human rights, especially that they would stop their attacks on women. , be true.

It was recently revealed that The Taliban shot dead a relative of a journalist working for the German news network Deutsche Welle (DW) in Afghanistan and they were looking for, reported.

Another relative of the journalist, whose identity has not been specified and who is now in Germany, was injured. Several members of his family managed to escape as the Taliban went door to door.

“The murder of a relative of one of our editors at the hands of the Taliban yesterday (for this Thursday) it is incredibly tragic and illustrates the grave danger in which all of our employees and their families find themselves in Afghanistan. “said Peter Limbourg, CEO of the DW, that’s a statement.

“It is clear that the Taliban are already carrying out organized search operations for journalists, both in Kabul and in the provinces,” he claimed. “Hurry up !”

According to DW, the Taliban raided the homes of at least three of their journalists.

The DW and other German media called on the German government to act quickly to help its Afghan personnel.


Taliban assassinated relatives of German newspaper journalist Deutsche Welle in Afghanistan
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