Uruguayan government analyzes draft law to expel foreigners who commit crimes from the country


In the picture, Uruguay's Interior Minister Luis Alberto Heber (Photo: EFE)
In the picture, Uruguay’s Interior Minister Luis Alberto Heber (Photo: EFE)

Uruguayan Interior Minister Luis Alberto Heber said on Monday he would introduce a bill to deport foreigners who commit crimes from the country and thus have “a legal weapon” to expel these people that, according to her, the country does not want to have “even in its prisons”.

This was stated by the portfolio holder at a press conference during the inauguration of a police base. Heber explained that They are considering sending Parliament a new regulation to regulate that the country will only open the doors to those who want to work and not to those who “opt for crime”.

The remarks of the Minister of the Interior are given after the indictment of the Uruguayan prosecutor’s office to three foreigners (two Venezuelans and one Colombian) for an alleged aggravated human trafficking offense “Competition apart from the reiteration of a crime of association to commit a crime”.

These people were part of an organization of human trafficking and smuggling and had foreigners – some minors – in conditions of extreme vulnerability to those who have had to perform work such as the sale of animal feed or confectionery “at will” with the obligation to meet certain requirements.

“The defendants are part of an organized criminal group, where they direct or are an important device, with the aim of labor exploitation; who seeks the economic profit of trade with human beings, participating in the recruitment, transport, Home migrants from extreme vulnerability those who have been subjected to various activities that violate their human dignity, ”says the prosecution’s indictment.

In this direction, Heber showed his dissatisfaction with the facts and said that while he usually doesn’t comment on specific crimes, in this case he decided to do so because they are foreigners..

“Uruguay opens its doors to people to come and work in Uruguay with the best traditions so that they settle here and commit crimes. We want to have a much more effective law so that the offender is expelled from the country, we must have a legal weapon to expel those people we don’t want in Uruguay. Not even in prisons, ”he concluded.

(With information from EFE)

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