The Terrorist Threat the Taliban Cannot Control: Why the United States Warned of the Danger Surrounding Kabul Airport


The United States has asked American citizens to stay away from Kabul airport (PHOTO: AP)
The United States has asked American citizens to stay away from Kabul airport (PHOTO: AP)

As desperate Afghans attempt to board a flight from Kabul airport and flee the Taliban, authorities warn of another jihadist threat: the Islamic State group of Khorasan, known by its acronym ISIS-K.

US President Joe Biden said that there is an “acute and increasing risk” of attack at the airport of the group’s regional office. The United States, Great Britain and Australia have asked their citizens to avoid the area near the airport and look for safe areas.

Asked directly about the threat, a Taliban spokesperson acknowledged the risk of “nuisance” causing problems in the chaotic situation, which he attributed to the US-led evacuation.

Crowds of people wait outside Kabul airport in hopes of leaving the country (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Crowds of people wait outside Kabul airport in hopes of leaving the country (PHOTO: REUTERS)

What is the Islamic State-Khorasan?

Months after ISIS declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria in 2014, Pakistani Taliban fighters joined militants in Afghanistan to form a regional chapter and pledged allegiance to the extremist leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

The group has been officially recognized by the central leadership of ISIS the year following its installation in northeastern Afghanistan, in the provinces of Kunar, Nangarhar and Nuristan.

Also cells established in other parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan, including Kabul, according to UN observers.

The latest estimates of their strength range from thousands of active fighters to 500, according to a UN Security Council report released in July.

The United States maintains August 31 as the maximum date for the withdrawal of its personnel and troops (PHOTO: REUTERS)
The United States maintains August 31 as the maximum date for the withdrawal of its personnel and troops (PHOTO: REUTERS)

“Khorasan” is a historical name of the region which includes parts of what is currently Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia.

What types of attacks does it carry out?

The Afghanistan-Pakistan chapter of ISIS has been blamed for some of the deadliest attacks in recent years. He slaughtered civilians in both countries in mosques, shrines, squares and hospitals.

Last year He was credited with a world-shaking attack when gunmen opened fire at a maternity hospital in a predominantly Shiite neighborhood in Kabul., where they killed 16 mothers and pregnant women.

Beyond the bombardments and massacres, ISIS-Khorasan failed to control any territory in the region, and suffered heavy casualties in US and Taliban military operations.

ISIS has been blamed for some of the deadliest attacks in recent years (PHOTO: AP)
ISIS has been blamed for some of the deadliest attacks in recent years (PHOTO: AP)

According to UN and US assessments, ISIS-K currently operates largely in secret cells based in or near cities to carry out high-profile attacks.

What is ISIS-K’s relationship with the Taliban?

Although both groups are extremist Sunni Islamic militants, They are also rivals and differ in details on religion and strategy, each claiming to be the true banner of jihad.

These disputes sparked bloody clashes, in which the Taliban have generally emerged victorious since 2019, when ISIS-Khorasan has not been able to establish itself like its cousin group in the Middle East.

Fear forces Afghans to flee the Taliban and a possible IS attack (PHOTO: EFE)
Fear forces Afghans to flee Taliban and possible IS attack (PHOTO: EFE)

As a sign of enmity between jihadist groups, ISIS statements call Taliban apostates.

How did ISIS-K achieve the Taliban victory in Afghanistan?

Nothing good. ISIS criticized last year’s deal between Washington and the Taliban which resulted in a pact to withdraw foreign troops, accusing them of abandoning the jihadist cause.

After the rapid takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, various jihadist groups around the world have praised them, but not ISIS.

A group comment posted after the fall of Kabul accused the Taliban of betraying the jihadists with the agreement with Washington and promised to continue their fight, according to the SITE Intelligence group, which monitors communications from militant groups.

What is the threat at Kabul airport?

Authorities in the United States and other Western countries warned that Kabul airport, with thousands of American soldiers surrounded by huge crowds of desperate Afghans, is under threat from ISIS-Khorasan.

After the rapid takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, several jihadist groups around the world praised them, but not IS (PHOTO: EFE)
After the rapid takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, several jihadist groups around the world praised them, but not IS (PHOTO: EFE)

Neither country has provided specific details about the threat. “ISIS-K is a nemesis of the Taliban and they are used to fighting against each other”Biden said Sunday.

“But every day that we have soldiers in place, these innocent soldiers and civilians at the airport risk being attacked by ISIS-K ”, added.

Some soldiers who left Kabul airport in recent days they saw flashing launches that are often used to attract heat-sensitive missiles.

(With information from AFP)


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