in Norway they fined US $ 340 if you urinate while looking at Russia


Jens-Arne Høilund, the Norwegian border commissioner, said: “This was probably posed by a well-meaning person who wanted to warn passers-by against offensive behavior.”

If you are in the tourist area, where the Jakobselva stream, the fine that could be applied for urinating into the country is US $ 340 (290 euros).

“Urinating in nature is not in itself offensive, but it depends on your point of view. In this case, the law prohibits offensive behavior at the border.Høilund explained. In this direction, This measure prohibits “any offensive behavior at the border towards the neighboring State concerned or its authorities”.

According to Høilund, it is also demanded that the agreements governing relations between the two neighboring countries be respected, the Russian authorities have never complained of acts such as the one reported by the cartel.

So far, the Barents Observer recalls that four people were arrested by police a few years ago for throwing stones at the Russian part of the Jakobselva stream.

In contrast, last winter a woman was fined the equivalent of $ 900 after border security cameras recorded her crossing the line with her right hand.

“We can believe that it is very severe but we apply border regulations without distinction”Høilund clarified.

Note that Norway is NATO’s Arctic border with Russia, with which it shares 197.7 kilometers of border, but the two countries historically maintain good relations, which deteriorated somewhat after the Russian invasion of the Ukrainian peninsula. of Crimea in 2014.

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