Bolsonaro calls on the population to buy guns


Bolsonaro urged people to buy weapons and generated great controversy in Brazilian politics.

Bolsonaro urged people to buy weapons and generated great controversy in Brazilian politics.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro called on the population to buy guns “so as not to be enslaved” and promised that the protests in which to participate on September 7, Independence Day, will be peaceful, to disavow the Federal Supreme Court investigating for infringement of the electoral system and dissemination of false news to the population.

“Everyone has to buy a rifle. An armed people will never be enslaved. I know it costs a lot to have one, but there are some idiots who say ‘no, you have to buy beans’. don’t break anyone’s balls “the president told his supporters.

The allusion to beans faces criticism of rising inflation in the country and an increase in the basic food basket, with beans being one of the staples of the Brazilian daily diet.

These statements were made amid tensions with the Federal Supreme Court and preparations for the September 7 Bolsonarist marches, which caused great unrest as there were police officers who summoned the officers to participate in the protests.

The governors called on the police to obey the law and not to get involved in politics, which is prohibited by law.

“I will participate in the events and I will tell the world various truths, we will defend the freedom above our own lives”

Jair Bolsonaro

“I will participate in the events and I will tell the world various truths, we will defend the freedom above our own lives”Bolsonaro said, referring to a possible victory for Luiz Incio Lula da SIlva, an opposition leader, in the 2022 elections.

Bolsonaro qualific of “another cancer” to an electoral judge who decided to end the monetization on the American platform YouTube and on Facebook of the Bolsonarista channels accused of promoting hatred and undermining democracy.

The ultra-right seeks to regroup its electoral force on September 7 and has promised that “there will be no unrest” in the protests because they are “good people” who “do not attack the police”.

The president is in the crosshairs of the court and also of the senatorial commission which is investigating fraudulent negotiations in the purchase of vaccines from the Ministry of Health, an episode that has tarnished part of the image of the military in executive power.

The deputy chairman of this committee, opposition senator Randolfe Rodrigues, of the Red Party, criticized Bolsonaro’s statement regarding the purchase of rifles: “It is not a question of ideology, beyond the differences on the weapons. Bolsonaro has no dimension of the suffering of the people, of what it costs to calculate to buy beans instead of buy meat, vivid scenes that we had overcome. “


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