He committed two crimes 45 years ago and is discovered by the saliva he sealed a letter with


The case remained secret for years but it has not closed. Up to 2018, the police authorities carried out joint work with the company Parabon Nanolabs. The idea was that IIdentify a DNA sample obtained from traces of semen found in the pants the girl wore on that fateful day July.

The profile obtained found a match with the Vannieuwenhoven family. Raymand’s children were quickly excluded from being involved in the crimes, and investigations turned to their father.


To taste the octogenarian, the police drew up a strategic plan: they brought two policemen to his home and have you completed a form on the quality and effectiveness of the police service. Then, they asked him to send it at the Lakewood Police Department. The saliva with which he sealed the envelope was sent to a lab, where matches were found with DNA found on the young woman’s pants.

In his decision, the judge who sentenced him, James Morrison, justified the sentence by the “depraved” nature of Vannieuwenhoven’s actions. At the same time, the prosecutor’s office said the crimes committed were “cold, violent and brutal”. Now the accused, who has denied his involvement in the murders, will appeal the court’s decision.

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