With ‘appendicitis’: this is how the pseudonym ‘five seven’ escapes, a former paramilitary author of the El Salado massacre


In the photo, former paramilitary Édgar Ariel Córdoba, aka five sept.
In the photo, former paramilitary Édgar Ariel Córdoba, aka five sept.

The National Penitentiary and Penitentiary Institute (Inpec) announced that, during an armed attack at the La Esperanza de Montería clinic, in Cordoba, one of the perpetrators of the El Salado massacre, located in the municipality of Carmen from Bolívar, escaped in 2000, Édgar Ariel Trujillo Córdoba, alias “Five Seven”, who was in custody at the medical center for appendicitis.

According to Inpec, six armed men, hooded to hide their identity, entered the clinic to rescue Trujillo, who He had been in charge of the Montería medium security penitentiary and penitentiary establishment since May 2015.

“The two members of the Guard and Surveillance Corps were reduced by the criminals and rescued the Prisoner of Liberty who was in medical custody, referred by prescription from the doctor on duty for severe abdominal pain (appendicitis) in transfer rate at 0: 00. hours ”, detailed the National Penitentiary and Penitentiary Institute in a press release.

The institute also clarified that the prisoner of liberty and the other criminals managed to escape of the place, because on the outskirts of La Esperanza de Montería clinic, four people on motorcycles were waiting for them.

After the events, Inpec with the support of the national police deployed an operation to find the capture of Edgar Ariel Trujillo Córdoba, alias “five seven” and other members of the criminal group. According to the institute, at the moment, the authorities are organizing a strategic security meeting to establish actions to recover the convict.

The criminal profile of Edgar Ariel Trujillo Córdoba, aka ‘five seven’

Édgar Ariel Trujillo Córdoba, alias ‘five seven’ was at the head of the paramilitary groups of the Hero of the Montes de María bloc and the North bloc of the Self-Defense Forces, which were led by “Juancho Dique” and “Jorge 40”, according to RCN Radio.

On March 9, 2007, Trujillo Córdoba was captured by authorities and the Superior Court of Cartagena sentenced him to 26 years and two months in prison for the crimes of aggravated homicide, simple kidnapping, torture, illegal recruitment, conspiracy to commit a crime, displacement and enforced disappearance, simple kidnapping and theft, for the massacre of El Salado in which more than 60 people were brutally murdered.

Due to these facts, in 2018, the detainee and his lawyers applied to enter the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), but the request was rejected. Likewise, the former paramilitary also called for the Supreme Court of Justice to reduce his sentence, but the court kept his sentence intact.

In view of Trujillo Córdoba’s escape, Inpec said they had delegated the regional director of the North along with a group of servants to work with the judicial authorities and the police to take over the former paramilitary.

Recall that the El Salado massacre took place between February 16 and 21, 2000, in the village of Villa del Rosario-El Salado, located about 18 kilometers from the municipal seat of Carmen de Bolívar, where a group 450 paramilitaries from the northern bloc of the so-called United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, under the orders of Jhon Jairo Esquivel alias “el Tigre”, Jaime Delgado alias “el Gallo”, Rodrigo Alfonso Mercado Peluffo alias “Cadena”, and Uber Enrique Bánquez Martínez alias “Juancho Dique”, they murdered 63 people in total condition. defenseless.

The tragedy also left 23 victims missing and more than 4,000 residents displaced from the neighborhood.


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